Friday, September 20, 2013

Ask QC: Finding Friends Without Benefits

Dear QC,

I'm a long time reader first time writer-iner. I'm 21 and am not particularly attractive or flirty but I have a hard time keeping my gay friends just friends. At one time or another every single one of my friends have tried to kiss or sleep with me and it gets weird. I am wondering if you guys have had similar problems seeing as gay men are horny and when are close to another guy tend to go for it. How do you draw a line with your friends? or is it common for guys to do it with their friends? or do i just need new friends? I turn them down and say I like just being friends but it happens again and I get put back in an awkward position. When all the ingredients for a good friend are so close to those for a good boy friend how do you establish a truly platonic buddy?

Too Friendly Friends

What say you, dear QC readers? Any ideas or experiences to help TFF in his quest to find real friendship? Please feel free to share your own experiences and advice to help him in the comments section.

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