Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Ton Of Bricks

From:  Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 Some of you may remember that I wrote a piece after the death of Elizabeth Taylor about never actually having seen any of her movies. At that time I had seen very few older movies actually, something I have more than rectified since. Thanks to the recommendations from several friends and blog readers, and of course the TMC network, I have escaped into the world of film classics ever since.
 Last week I finally watched the film version of Tennessee Williams' Cat On A Hot Tin Roof. I think I sort of avoided the film, having seen the stage production, along with reading about how the script removed almost all of the homosexual themes for the 1958 film. Script changes aside, I truly loved the film. The entire cast was incredible and I have never been so attracted to Paul Newman as I was while watching him play Brick. Through Newman's skillful portrayal, the themes removed from dialogue were still clearly present through his actions, eyes and anguish. Newman's Brick was tortured, yet still alluringly sexual, never more so than when drenched, outside in the rain. I look forward to a repeat viewing in the future.

 After viewing the film, I decided to go on the hunt for other actors who inhabited the role of Brick. I found dozens and dozens, but below, are a few of my favorites.
 Ben Gazzara as Brick and Barbara Bel Geddes as Maggie, Original Broadway Production 1955
 Keir Dullea as Brick and Fred Gwynne as Big Daddy, Broadway revival 1974
 Daniel Hugh Kelly as Brick, Kathleen Turner as Maggie, Broadway revival 1990.
 The delicious Benjamin Walker as Brick, Broadway revival staged earlier this year.

 Gray Powell as Brick along side Moya O’Connell as Maggie at the 2011 Shaw Festival in Ontario.

 Kelby Akin as Brick and Georgia Lyman as Maggie at Boston's Lyric Theatre, 2009
 Jason Patric as Brick, Margo Martindale as Big Mama, Broadway Revival 2003
 I love actor Jeremy Davidson who played Brick opposite wife Mary Stuart Masterson as Maggie at The Kennedy Center's Eisenhower Theatre in 2004.

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