Sunday, August 11, 2013

The 11 Gayest Wins in MTV Video Music Award History

From:  The Backlot
It’s Oh So Quiet” 
Best Choreography
There’ve been other classic music videos to incorporate elements of musical theater — Michael Jackson‘s West Side Story-riffing “Beat It” video and Paula Abdul’s Fame-esque “Cold-Hearted” come to mind — but few embrace the sheer glee (if you will) of big time Broadway moves like Bjork‘s “It’s Oh So Quiet.” The choreography in this video is as broad as can be; even the mailbox is ebullient. Thankfully the gayness of the dancing here lives up to the song’s lyrics, which include “The devil cuts loose! Zing! Boom!” and “You've never been so nuts about a guy / You want to laugh/ You want to cry!

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