Thursday, August 1, 2013

Simplify Your Life Week = August 1 - August 7

The first week in August is National Simplify Your Life Week, a week to get organized and de-clutter for a more stress-free lifestyle.Ohio State University Extension suggests that you do something each day of that week to reduce the stress in your life and start enjoying life more.  Here's a day-by-day list of suggestions – be creative and come up with some of your own!

Day 1 – Make romance an important part of your daily life by
identifying what your partner considers to be romantic.  Spotlight
ideas for new romantic adventures.
Day 2 – Read Life Is Too Short or Life's Little Relaxation Book
for some super ideas on how to start savoring life – it's not as hard
as you think.
Day 3 – Get soaked!  Put a eucalyptus branch (you can find
them cheap at a florist) under the faucet as the bath fills.  The
warm water will release a super-relaxing scent.  Enjoy!
4 – Keep an artificial long-stemmed rose on your desk, dashboard, or
kitchen counter to remind yourself to stop and smell the roses.
Day 5 – Think of something that would be a total "waste" of your time.  Then do it!
Day 6 – Put on your favorite music, then sing and dance. 
Day 7 – Get out of your rut:  eat breakfast in the evening, turn the TV off, start a new hobby. 

It's time to slow down and start savoring life – it's not as hard as you think.

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