Thursday, March 10, 2016

History's Hottest Movie Actors

From:  Boy Culture
Mr. Garrrrrettttt!
Garrett Hedlund 

Ever since Troy, I've been in a polyamorous relationship—at least on paper—thanks to spotting Garrett Hedlund. Which was hard to do with Brad Pitt running around half naked. Hedlund is a total newcomer compared to most on this list, but that face! He was shown off to great advantage in that dreadful Disney remake of a dreadful Disney film, but he's reached a new level of desirability playing feckless fuck machine "Dean Moriarty" (aka Neal Cassady) in the otherwise mostly dreary On the Road.

Want some Hedlund?
Sexy Sampler
Troy (2004), Friday Night Lights (2004), Georgia Rule (2007), Country Strong (2010), TRON: Legacy (2010), On the Road (2012)

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