Friday, August 9, 2013

Guess His Dick: Lucky #13: Reveal

From:  Queer Click

Remember last week? We promised to make up for our meager picture quantity? Well, we've delivered. Did you guys guess this college stud's dick? More importantly, can you handle all of it?

 The verDICKt
7.5 inches. And we won't tell you any lies, there's some disagreement as to whether or not this stud is cut or uncut. We're leaning toward cut, but we'll let you guys make the final determination.

And now for the Bonus Round. 
Did you guess correctly? This stud loves his asshole more than the average straight guy, and who can blame him? We'd love that ass, too. For a long time. Not quite enough fur to braid, but plenty to floss your teeth with. Because dental hygiene is important.

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