Sunday, August 4, 2013


 Before I blog about Manhunt member firedude73 like he’s a just a piece of meat to stick your dick into, I’ll point out his classy approach to his poz status in his profile -

I’m out about my hiv status. It’s 2013 guys! No need for fear when you have knowledge, if not good luck on your journey to openness.

Isn't that a classy way to say “fuck the h8ers”?

Truthfulness and strength of character about his status aside, does his use of  ”firedude73” as a profile name mean that he’s a gay firefighter? Because I want to see that hose. *rimshot* If you’re trying to get into his good sexual graces, he’s into “ginger men, scruff, trimmed body hair, compact models, bull balls, abs,” and “full lips”. Cut to all of us hurtling to get lip augmentation at the very least. Sure, manscaping is easier and less expressive but plastic surgery shows that you REALLY want to get with him.

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