Thursday, August 1, 2013

August is National Goat Cheese Month

Wondering how to celebrate August, the National Goat Cheese Month? Well, Madame Fromage. has five suggestions for your chevre-loving cheese plate.

Officially, August is National Goat Cheese Month, but let’s agree: we’re past campaigning for goat cheese acceptance. Back in the 1970s, when the first goat-cheese pioneers were emerging from their milking barns in coveralls, Americans found chèvre exotic. Today, you can find chèvre in scones, sandwiches, and soups—there’s even a new goat cheese and cherry ice cream on the market, from Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams, which I’m happy to say Di Bruno Bros. now carries.

If you need an excuse to peruse the caprine realm, remember that goat cheese is the easiest of all cheeses to digest. That’s why you’ll often see it for breakfast in Europe; the French love their soft chevre on a baguette, and even the Greeks adore their goat-cheese feta crumbled on cukes and tomatoes first thing in the morning.

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