Monday, July 8, 2013


From:  Just A Jeep Guy
1. How many times have you watched Independence Day?
Too many. Easily 50 times thanks to cable and too much time in the hospital. I love taking it apart and every time I see it I see something else that is just so wrong BUT I do love the whole concept of Area 51 being funded by $600 toilet seats and Brent Spinner (of Star Trek TNG) is great.
2. Do you like fireworks?
They're fun but unless I with a group of friends and we're making a night of it then I'm no longer interested.
3. Which is the best fireworks show you've been too?
When I was a teenager, I got to view one of the NY shows from the deck of one of the Navy Ships (my uncle was an officer.) The show was great but I was more impressed by the ship.
The best shows have been on The Mall in Washington DC. You have to make a very long day of it by getting your spot by 1pm or so and bringing lots of food and drink plus warm clothes and suntan lotion. The best location is near the Washington Monument. You expect the visuals to be astounding, and they are, but what is so shocking is feeling the force of the exploding fireworks!  
4. Did you/do you light your own fireworks?
When I was around 12 or 13 my friend would buy them and we'd set them off in the woods in cans and bottles. Nothing more than M80's, bottle rockets and roman candles.
5. Have you ever hurt yourself setting off fireworks?
No, it was a miracle.
6. Do you have special plans for the 4th?
Not this year, but typically I'd play tennis in the morning and the go to a friends house for a small gathering. If I was lucky then I got to set off my own bottle rocket with one of my friends other guests!
7. What are your plans for the long weekend?
Just taking care of my mom.

Have you ever kissed someone and seen fireworks like Bobby did when he kissed Millicent on The Brady Bunch or when Steve kisses his All-American Boy?
Yes, but it was more like that scene in Saturday Night Fever, spinning around on the dance under all the lights in slow motion. I didn't stop spinning for two years. 

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