Monday, July 22, 2013

Then God Created Adam:

The Divine Magnificence of Adam Reynolds
 Adam Reynolds is a star goal kicker with the South Sydney Rabbitohs, the Sydney Rugby League team owned by my boyfriend Russell Crowe. It’s the same team that the Burgess brothers play for. I mean, how many fucking spunks do you need on the one team? If there’s a better looking sports team in the world, I challenge you to name it. Anyway, Adam is a shy guy from a working class area of Sydney with a boxer’s body and a movie star face. Impossibly handsome; heartbreakingly well built. Behold:

Relaxing in Bali, and inadvertently tormenting the world’s armpit lovers:
Visibly nervous in front of the camera, but braving up, since it was for charity, to show some disadvantage young footy lovers how to kick a goal:

Here he is being congratulated by the entire Burgess family on yet another game-winning goal (and, relaxing in the change rooms afterwards with the entire team):

Down but not out:
 Jersey off, head wound dressed, he’s ready to play on (which he did):

 Hamstring injury! Helped from the field:

Being hugged by teammate Chris McQueen, who deserves a gallery like this all of his own:

Being hugged by teammate Chris McQueen, who deserves a gallery like this all of his own:

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