Monday, July 8, 2013

Rod Drainer - Hairy and Raw

 "Here’s Rod Drainer from Hairy & Raw with a traffic cone stuffed up his ass and jacking off. This never occurred to me. I know an emergency room nurse, and you know all those stories about guys rolling up with bizarre items stuck in their assholes? Those aren't urban legends. Dudes actually do this, and it’s never pretty. I thought of her when I saw these pics of Rod Drainer using highway safety equipment as a masturbatorial aid. How much is too much? Wanting stimulation back there when you’re jerking is natural, but when you’re a advanced bottom and you need bigger and bigger tools to get the job done? Is a traffic cone too much? I want control of my sphincter, and diapers are not an option for me. Can one of you guys who like really big things back there chime in down in the comments? Is this hot? How do you know when you've reached your limit with ass toys?

Rod Drainer” is kind of on the nose as a porn alias, huh?" -- Manhunt Daily

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