Sunday, July 14, 2013

Just Because:

Favorite Pic of the Day #2
From:  Favorite Hunks & Other Things
"I know it may not fit the usual theme, but I love this image. After a Facebook friend posted it the other day I could not help but staring at it, and then thinking about it for a long while after. I so love the dog's paw and look of total contentment and safety on the pups face. The can of dog food as one of few items kept next to the man.

The image is very layered to me. It speaks in some ways of how brutal we as human beings can be to one another. On the other side, it shows that even when a man is down and beaten by life, the capacity and need to love and be needed is still so crucial. On the heels of the Trayvon Martin verdict and Corey Montieth's tragic death, the photo somehow helped today." -- Tye Briggs

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