Tuesday, July 2, 2013

How it all Began at COLT…

From:  Colt Blog
 Since 1967 COLT has been producing the world’s most masculine all-male erotica and these illustrations show how it all began way back in the beginning…  Many people think that Touko Laaksonen from Tom of Finland was the first gay man to draw and sell illustrations, but NO…  Jim French started in 1967, while Tom of Finland begin in 1973, a few years afterwards.
Jim French himself started as an illustrator drawing the latest French fashions for a large department store in NYC.  On the side and after hours he would shoot Polaroids of models he would come across in the Big Apple.  He created different themes.
 The first three are themed LEATHER

 Here are three themed SPORTS 

Then there was UNIFORM 
And lastley WESTERN

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