Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hot Guy of the Day

Jeff1983 Likes The Gym, Sex and Watersports. Not Necessarily In That Order
 "We thought we’d try something new. We’re going to post a hot guy a day! What makes posting these hot guys daily any different from all the other hot guys we post during the day? He’s definitely available! Jeff1983 is a Manhunt member. My Spanish is rusty (and by “rusty” I mean “non-existent”) but it appears as if jeff1983 likes working out, fucking, and the occasional golden shower. It’s not apparent whether he likes to give or receive, but you can totally go and ask him.

If jeff1983 isn’t your speed, please keep in mind that Manhunt has over 7 MILLION MEMBERS. That’s a lot of pictures and profiles. And dick."

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