Monday, July 22, 2013

Guess His Dick #8

From: Queer Click
 This entry is another mystery man. All I can say in advance about this week's contender is that he's built, he looks eerily like a guy I used to date, and judging from the striped tank top, he's probably playing for our team. Whaddaya guys think?

This is our 8th Guess His Dick, so I want to know whether or not your skills are improving. What's your success rate been like? Are you more a Poirot of Penises or a Mr. Magoo of Members? Is it time for us to host a GHD World Series, or do you need a little more time in training camp? As an added bonus, if you guys get this one right, I'll throw in a special treat for the reveal. So, don't fuck it up. What is it, you ask? A lady never reveals her secrets.

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