Sunday, July 14, 2013

Farwell Finn

"There have been many celebrity deaths over the last few years, but for some reason Cory Monteith's is one of the sadder ones to me. Maybe partly due to his age of just 31, but for me it is also more about the respectful way he handled his demons. We all have demons, but usually by 31, most of us have found a way to get through the day without them getting in the way too too much. Some sadly, still struggle.

Celebrities are no different when it comes to having demons, money and fame is not a cure, in fact it can often make them worse. I don't need to name all the celebrities who take their demons out in destructive ways including using and abusing those around them. They seem to think they have a right to take their emotional struggles out on other humans with no thought those around them are struggling as well, just more quietly. 

Everything I have heard and read from those who knew and worked with Monteith describe him positively. Kind and compassionate, pleasant and hard working. I respect that he struggled quietly. By quiet I don't mean alone, I hope he reached out to his family and friends. I mean quiet as in not loud. Not appearing on TMZ every other day in one story or another, not jumping on the cover of People magazine to discuss his addiction and not through bringing down others around him. R.I.P Corey, gone far too early."-- Tye Briggs

I think you words express the same thoughts many of us are feeling. I know many are shocked and I think Mark Salling summed it up with his initial  tweet of "no".  RIP in Corey, you and Finn Hudson will allow us to "Don't Stop Believin'"!

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