Monday, July 29, 2013

Chris Salvatore

Chris Salvatore (born May 22, 1985) is an American actor, singer-songwriter, model, and gay-rights activist.
Growing up in the small town of Richboro, Pennsylvania, he spent his days singing, acting, and performing for his family. By the time he was 15, young Chris had already written his first song. After completing his high school education, Salvatore began his career in 2005 during his attendance at Berklee College of Music in Boston. There, he studied vocal performance and soon began recording songs.After some time at Berklee, Salvatore moved to New York City in 2006 to try his hand at acting. Once there, he enrolled in The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts and realized his talent and love for film. Salvatore completed his schooling and began preparing for the big leagues in Los Angeles. He was contacted by a casting director for Q. Allan Brocka's Eating Out film series and within the week, Salvatore moved to California to star as "Zack" in Eating Out 3: All You Can Eat (2009). He continued the role in two additional films in the series: Eating Out 4: Drama Camp (2011) and Eating Out 5: The Open Weekend (2012).
Chris Salvatore is known for his single "Dirty Love" (released in 2010). Recently, Salvatore has been uploading short musical covers of songs he and his fans like to his YouTube channel (which currently has over 12,000 subscribers). In addition to song covers, he spends his time evangelizing equality in the LGBT community. Some of his videos include messages for the It Gets Better Campaign while others are simply kind and uplifting messages of hope. His latest efforts include the singles 'What You Do To Me' (2012) and the ballad 'Hurricane' (2012).
Salvatore's songs have been featured on MTV's show Paris Hilton's My New BFF and in the movie credits of Eating Out 3: All You Can Eat.

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