Monday, July 8, 2013

Buff Bartenders and Naked Chefs - Cosmopolitan

These buff boys will leave you shaken and stirred!
This melon-ball shot may be potent, but it's nowhere near as intoxicating as the guy serving it.
He may love serving Fuzzy Navels, but we're psyched to see that he doesn't have any excess peach fuzz on his yummy midsection.
He says he likes his blended drinks to be just as sweet as the ladies he dates.
He can't get enough of fun fearless females, so it's only fitting that his favorite cocktail to shake-shake-shake is a Cosmopolitan.
His uncle taught him this savory but so easy recipe. He fires up the skillet only for women he's really hot for.
He says he first prepared this decadent dish for a peach of a girlfriend.
He made Jack Daniel's his filet mignon marinade to kick his dinner dates up a notch.
He likes his salad the way he likes his ladies — full of flavor — so he added some kick to the dressing when he concocted it.

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