Friday, July 19, 2013

....and they called him the streak!

 From:  Dlisted
 Panties blew off of crotches in Sydney last night when 33-year-old Wati Holmwood streaked across the field at ANZ Stadium during the State of Origin decider (which I guess is like the Super Bowl of rugby football in Australia). This took me back to the bald Brit Brit days.
Because security guards just don’t appreciate a bouncing furry FUPA of glory, Wati the Naked Wonder, who’s already a meme, was tackled to the ground and taken away. Wati faces charges of indecent exposure (the most beautiful things aren't decent) and trespassing. The Telegraph asked Uncle Fester’s hotter cousin how he feels now that everyone’s seen his ass cheeks and button mushroom peen and he pretty much dropped his head in shame:

I’m sorry, I apologize about what happened, am I in trouble now? It all happened so quickly, I don’t know what was going through my head. I just wanted to make it interesting but I stuffed up Origin. A lot of people hate me now.”

Haters must also hate seeing a delicate gazelle gallop across a majestic field, because that’s exactly what Wati looked like. This is the definition of grace. The end.

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