Sunday, July 21, 2013

A WET treasure trail

"I live in Palm Desert, CA which is one of several cities in the greater Palm Springs area.   The nearby Idyllwild fire has been apocalyptic.   The smoke and ash have blanketed us all week.  I'm posting pictures with  this post's treasure trail specimen.  
The sun, with the gauze of smoke.
At approx. 2pm Thursday  in the Coachella Valley
(Palm Springs area)

The entire country is sweltering, not just hot Palm Springs.   Today, all mainland states but one had temperatures in excess of 99 degrees, according to Diane Sawyer on ABC News tonight
Looking toward Palms Springs, eastward, at the smoke in the sky.

This photo at top and the quenching possibilities that it offers in every way is my offering to the gods for a bit of respite.  May this photo put out the fires here in my community, the temps in your community. 
Heading east Thurday at 2:00 PM
on Dinah Shore from Palm Desert to Palm Springs

One night with this dude would be enough for the rest of my lifetime.  This is truly a beautiful study of the glory of manhood, from my myopic perspective.  
Looking south toward Indian/Andreas Canyons. 

Stay cool, ladies and gentleman.  Usually, here in the desert were just on fire (temperatures).  Today, we're on Fire (temps and literally).
A photo of skies above Palm Springs Thursday
 at the worst places where the smoke was blowing.

Idyllwild, which is now threatened by the fire here, is a lovely mountain town.  You should all Google it.  It's one of my favorite places on earth, because it usually is the place that we can flee the hell of the desert in the summer for a bit of respite, via a Monegasque winding mountain road it takes about 45 minutes from where I live.  Of course, that is a two lane road up the side of a mountain.  You can go from desert to mountain environment very simply.   That is one of the very few remaining virtues of living here in California.

 Let's hope Idyllwild makes it through this fire.   See photos from Palm Desert from Thursday looking west towards Palm Springs, that I  am sharing here." -- The Treasured Trail

The accumulation of ash, twigs, on top of my car after a short stop.

The sun, through the smoke/ash, taken at 2PM 7/18

The sunset Thursday night.  
Mount San Jacinto is in the background.  This was taken from the campus of College of the Desert in Palm Desert.  The fires are over the ridge of the mountains.

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