Friday, June 14, 2013

Queen's Quarterly - Spring 1969

 Queen's Quarterly: The Magazine for Gay Guys Who Have No Hangups was one of the first national gay magazines. The first issue was published in late 1968/early 1969 by George DeSantis out of New York City. It was published by season for its first two years of existence and then moved to bi-monthly. By 1970 the magazine had changed to QQ Magazine:For gay guys who have no hangups. By November 1971 it became QQ: For gay guys. The increasing focus on beefcake led to DeSantis, with increasing sections on travel it spawned the glossy gay physique magazine Body and the glossy gay male travel magazine Ciao.  It ceased publication in 1980. DeSantis also started the Mr. Fire Island Contest during the 1970s.

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