Saturday, June 15, 2013

NYC Realtor Lists Gorgeous $2000 Loft Located Inside Spacious Penis

From: Gawker
A Manhattan real estate agent inadvertently exposed more than the beautiful brickwork inside a $2000
Upper West Side apartment he listed Friday, when he uploaded a photograph of a large* penis alongside shots of a sunny living room and renovated kitchen as part of an online listing.

When contacted by Gawker, the agent said he was not aware a photo of a penis had been posted with one
of his apartment listings. He politely denied the penis was his and speculated that his account had been hacked. (ATTENTION HACKERS: Stop hacking into real estate agents' work emails and posting pictures of a random penis on one of their apartment listings. Rude.) 

According to the listing, the penis apartment boasts high ceilings, stainless steel appliances, and a decorative fireplace. The dignified building which houses the penis apartment was erected in 1899. No pets are allowed in the penis apartment.

The photograph of the penis has since been removed from the penis apartment photo album.

*Gawker's in-house penis expert maintains that the there is not enough penis on display in the photo to confidently characterize the member as "large," but allows for the possibility that it is.

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