Saturday, June 22, 2013

Meet Andy Herren Of “Big Brother 15,”

From:  The Backlot
The Gay Contestant Who Already Deserves To Win
Big Brother 15 is almost upon us, and while the cutthroat, animalistic version of The Sims isn't going to win a Peabody Award anytime soon, it’s the perfect summer fling. You can’t not pick a favorite contestant every year. Hell, there was that one year when I ended up rooting for Porsche, guys. PORSCHE. She was named after a car that’s smarter than she is.

Usually we’re gifted with at least one reliable gay contestant each season (<3 long-haired Wil from last season <3), a firecracker-type who is both gregarious and nefarious. This season appears to be no exception: Andy Herren, an improve comic from Chicago who serves as a public speaking professor at a community college, seems fun, intelligent, and wise. According to his Facebook, he’s also out, which is a big step past some of the gays I knew in suburban Chicago growing up. Not all, but some. Oh, some.

Check out this interview with the jovial chap. 

Go, Andy, go!

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