Tuesday, June 11, 2013


He’s so cute. He looks like a preppy law student who has been dating girls for awhile but REALLY wants to suck a dick in secret. And then you introduce him to the joys of gay sex, and pretty soon he’s leading the Pride Parade, secretly wearing a buttplug under his business suits, and spread-eagled all over Manhunt. This is Manhunt member monkey_s55. Even his profile name is cute. The “Manhunt Man of the Week” has to be A) hot B) have MULTIPLE hot pictures on his Manhunt profile (cuz’ some of you apply and have just the one pic and we need to see EVERY ANGLE of you) C) have interesting/sexy/amusing answers to our Manhunt Questionnaire. If you can cover all of that, head over here to apply!
Manhunt profile name: monkey_s55
Age: 26
Location: Denver, CO

 What was the hottest Manhunt hookup you've experienced so far? Who was it with, where did it take place, and why was it hot? Please be descriptive.

I met up with a guy a little older than me at a hotel. Didn't have a lot of time but boy did we take advantage of the little we had!

He was a great kisser and somehow managed to get down to his underwear before I even got my pants off. The bulge he was showing off left me nothing to complain about though. (I did however start to wish I had said I was more of a top) I pulled the front of his underwear down (then really wished I had told him I was a top), lets just say it wasn't small. I gave it a lick and it jumped and gave me a little pre-cum (Fuckin HOT!).
I circled the head with my tongue and gave it a try. I got him a little excited when I decided to try and take it all. My nose met flesh, and chin tickled his balls (I slightly amazed myself with that one). The whole time he was playing with my ass…and dick. FYI, a little hair pulling is always in order.

He got up, moved me to the edge of the bed, and broke out the condoms. All I could think was, “this is gonna hurt like hell!” I asked to turn over, I didn't want to see what was coming. Told him to go slow. He just laughed when as he entered I pushed back hard, taking it all. I just held him there trying to get used to it, quickly discovering that it was possibly the most uncomfortable position to be in at that moment.

I pushed him back and told him to lay down. He obliged graciously. I climbed on top, straddling his body, working his cock with my left hand, and his head with my right. Forcing my dick down his throat. I moved back, positioned myself and thought, “I’m an idiot, here we go again,” and that’s when it happened….I turned into a fucking porn star. I started riding, it felt fucking amazing. He leaned forward and sucked my cock while I leaned back still grinding. I told him he might want to stop, that I was close. He said “so,” and just smiled. I shot all over his chest and face. He looked at me and noticed how hard I was still. He started sucking again…and I shot all over him a second time. This went on for what seemed like forever, until I looked at the clock and only 30 minutes had passed since I got on top. I’d cum 6 times in 30 minutes…that was insane but my ass was like, this needs to end now. I rolled off and hit the bed, because really that was all I could do. Laid there for a minute then tried to stand up (what a mistake that was). I fell back on the bed and laughed, told him I was going to need a minute. Then took a shower, found all my clothes and left.

It was insanely hot but next time (if there is one) I am totally being the top, I need to return the favor.

What’s your favorite part on a guy and why?

His eyes. I just like the feeling of knowing what he wants without talking. Of course, a nice ass, dick, arms, etc. never hurts either 
 Name the top three sexiest men in the world, with #1 being the hottest. Why do you find them sexy?

William Levy – Yes please….nuf said.
Eric Decker – He can be my receiver any time!
Aaron Tveit – I have a soft spot for guys that can sing…and he is sexy as hell.
 What’s the most unusual place you've had sex? Tell us about the encounter.

On top of a parking garage. Met another guy that wanted to have a little fun in public. We were heading somewhere else when I decided I wanted him right there, bent over the trunk of my car. Everyone in the hotel able to look down and see. It was fucking freezing though so we both had a ton of clothes on, it probably looked more like I was mugging him hahaha.
Does size matter? Why do you feel that way?

Not really…there are lots of ways to have fun. You just have to see what you like.

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