Saturday, June 29, 2013

Guess His Dick: Reveal #3

 Good news, everyone: what they say about muscle dudes isn't true. This stud gives us more than enough to work with. Plus, while we're at it, take a look at that ass! The things we could do with it. The things!
 The verdict: 8 inches, cut. We don't know much about this mystery hunk, except that he clearly eats his vegetables and could make more than a few of us scream. Happy New Year, indeed!

I still swear this guy looks circumcised to me, but I've been informed by many a reader that I'm wrong. By all means, weigh in and tell me so. In this area, I'll defer to you, seasoned dick detectives that you are. I beg your forgiveness and also maybe ask that you teach me your skills!

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