Thursday, June 27, 2013

Facebook Rolls Out Rainbow 'Pride' Emoji After DOMA Decision

 Facebook rolled out a new rainbow emoji Wednesday to mark the historic Supreme Court decision to overturn the Defense of Marriage Act.

When users click on the smiley-face image below their status-update box, they now have the option to select a rainbow icon — indicating "pride" — under the "feeling" drop-down menu. A Facebook representative confirmed to Mashable that the new icon launched in light of the DOMA decision.

 The rainbow and the words "feeling pride" appear next to a user's name, and in some cases, next to his or her status-update message.

However, it's unclear whether all Facebook users have the new DOMA-inspired icon. Mashable's Canada-based reporter, was not presented with the option.

Facebook began testing emojis in status updates on user profiles in April.

Passed in 1996, DOMA defined marriage as a union between a man and a woman for the purposes of federal law.

Have you shared the rainbow icon in your status update? Do you have the option? 
Homepage courtesy of Flickr, Edward Jenner; Screenshot images by Mashable, Adam Ostrow and Dhiya Kuriakose

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