Sunday, June 16, 2013

Daddy Of The Day -

Robinson Cano
"Today's "Daddy of the Day" is Robinson Cano - the Second Baseman for the New York Yankees. He's 24 years old and originally from the Dominican Republic. His parents named him after baseball legend Jackie Robinson.  And, as you can see, he is cute as hell!!!

I really LOVE baseball - which is weird considering I didn't play any sports growing up (I was the typical "sissy" kid who HATED gym class). My younger brother Dan was the athlete of the family - he played baseball, soccer, and swam. Meanwhile, I did NOTHING. These days Dan is obsessed with football (one of the only sports he didn't play in school) and I can watch baseball until I'm blue in the face. I'm not obsessed with statistics like some people - I think I'm more interested in the gorgeous men.

The other weird thing about my baseball fetish is that I root for BOTH the NY Yankees and the NY Mets - most people like one and hate the other.

Robinson Cano is also very good friends with fellow Dominican, and teammate, Melky Cabrera. More on Melky on a later date..." -- David Dust

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