Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Photography by Paul Mpagi Sepuya

Just the sound of those two words ‘bubble butt’ are enough to make us perk up at BUTT HQ. When we got a tip from our buddy Paul Mpagi Sepuya about Antoine Catala’s installation of mechanized butts at UKS (Unge Kunstneres Samfund) in Oslo, Norway we had to get to the bottom of it.

The exhibition, entitled ‘Image Families’, features new work from Antoine, including two large scale holograms, eight motorized butts, four levitating sculptures and a print installation. It’s a far cry from his early attempts at organizing shows at a local Burger King, but he hasn’t lost sight of the buns.

Image Families runs from 3 May until 22 June at UKS which is at Lakkegata 55 D, 0187 in Oslo, Norway. More info can be found on their website.

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