Tuesday, June 4, 2013


Jaydn Daniels & Joey Cooper -- Extra Big Dicks
 American Idol Season 8 competitor Nathaniel Marshall is moonlighting in porn for sites like Extra Big Dicks under the moniker of “Jaydn Daniels“. He’s got a new scene out opposite Joey Cooper. We understand why. Once you've had to deal with annoying Ryan Seacrest’s short ass, you leave your chosen profession and go into porn.

 On a positive note, Nathaniel butched up his look a little and we like it! Compare and contrast below. He’s the blond top.

 "Joey told Jadyn to hurry over and he barely got in the door before Joey started opening Jadyn's jeans to unleash the beast of his desire. In a frenzy, Jadyn's jeans were down, the shirt was off and that mighty cock was up. Those skinny one will surprise you sometimes and Jadyn's surprise was not just big, it was eight inches plus, thick as a wrist is covered in a criss cross of veins that kept it rock hard from the first moment we saw it. Joey leaned over and starting at the top, he circled his tongue around the head, licking down the shaft down to Jadyn's matching oversized balls before he got himself out his shirt and 
pants, slid to the floor and starting up into Jadyn's eye, he kept swallowing till he conquered his pole. Taking one look at the aforementioned vista that is Joey's ass now framed in the white straps of his jock, it was Jadyn who was now hungry and proceeds to feast on Joey's hole like a man who hadn't eaten in a week before flipping Joey on his back and having that cock for dessert. Finally coming up for air, Jadyn asked Joey if he was ready to be fucked and he didn't have to be asked twice." ---Extra Big Dicks

 See More After The Jump

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