Wednesday, June 12, 2013

30 Most Dateable Gay TV Characters

From:  Out
 We've all done it. Sat at home, obsessing over a guy on our favorite TV show, fantasizing what it would be like to date him. Or snuggle. Or just gaze longingly into his eyes. Although some of these bad boys may not be mother-approved, we think they all have their own charms. Which would you choose if you had a chance?
Noah Nicholson
We don't want to say Darryl Stephens played the gay African-American version of Sarah Jessica Parker's Carrie Bradshaw when he played Noah Nicholson on Noah’s Arc. But, yeah, um, he did. And he had the closet of clothes to prove it. But really, it was what he had underneath (that body!) that got most of the boys to the bar.

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