Thursday, June 27, 2013

30 Entertaining Reasons to Be Proud

From:  The Backlot
 Ah, LGBT Pride – that sun-dappled, magical month when dance clubs grow wheels and rove about the city dropping go-go boys like dandruff, LGBT-aligned politicians become local heroes, and rainbows make more touchdowns than Jerry Rice. (Yes, I had to look that up.)

As we take to the streets to celebrate the diversity, strength and impressive midriffs of our community, I wanted to take a moment to share some of the LGBT entertainment that makes me proud to be gay. You know – the kind of show or artist or movie where, when it’s brought up in casual mixed conversation, you can’t WAIT to tell everyone that there’s a gay person behind it.

It’s an odd list, and it’s probably one that no one other than me would come up with. But that’s what makes each of us a uniquely beautiful snowflake, right? I’d love to hear what talented artists, public figures and entertainments make you proud to raise your rainbow flag.

(In no particular order)
The Kids in the Hall

Sure, only one of the Kids is actually gay (Scott Thompson), but you’d never know it from all the cross-dressing, genderf*cking, insanely gay antics that these Canadian firebrands got up to. I remember watching Kids in high school and finally realizing that there were other people out there who saw the world the same way I did. Their show was groundbreaking comedy television, and we were in on the joke from the beginning.

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