Tuesday, June 18, 2013

27 Indispensable Musical Performances In Non-Musical TV Shows

From:  Boy Culture
"Blue Moon" & "I Told Ya I Love Ya, Now Get Out" from Moonlighting

First, I can't get enough of this series. Second, Cybill Shepherd was gorgeous during its run, fully ripe, and a fantastic singer. This episode, with a prologue by Orson Welles (the last creative thing he ever did; the last thing he ever filmed was a Merv Griffin episode the day he died), fully capitalized on the show's daring creativity and the palpable chemistry between the leads. Shepherd does a lovely take on "Blue Moon," but I prefer her delightful vamping in "I Told Ya I Love Ya, Now Get Out," which is much more suited to the disposition of one "Ms. Maddie Hayes." Rita Hayworth would approve.

"Everything's rosey
Everything's jake
But just how much can a good gal take?"

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