Saturday, June 15, 2013

260 LBS.

 "Okay, I’m rounding up a little bit.  I’m actually only 258lbs.

While I’m still gaining weight, a lot of it recently seems to be fat.  I’ve certainly gone up a pant size, and my love handles are back (when my arms are down).

Biceps: 19”
Chest: 50”
Thighs: 29”
Rump: 45”
Calves: 19”
Neck: 20.5”
Forearms: 15”

Dan has requested I bulk for another month, see if I can get to 270lbs (doubt it)…so I’m pushing my cutting/trimming/not-worry-about-
eating-10,000-calories-each-day phase" --Noodles and Beef

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