Sunday, June 23, 2013

10 Models Go Pink for National Pink Day

From:  The Underwear Expert
 Sunday June 23rd is National Pink Day. We’re not sure who created this holiday, when it was created or if it’s even celebrated nationally, but we really don’t care. We’re going to take an excuse to celebrate such a vibrant color and run with it… underwear style. We also don’t think it’s any coincidence that National Pink Day falls in Pride Month, but that’s a separate matter.
Some may be baking cupcakes with pink food coloring today or walking
out of the house in a pink shirt. But here at The Underwear Expert we’re looking to celebrate this momentous occasion the only way we know how: a gallery of hot underwear models in pink underwear.
Some of our favorite brands and most seductive styles look oh-so-good in this bright and peppy color. And if you were thinking that pink is far too feminine a color for you, then you've got to see. These guys are not only good looking models, but most of them have muscles that would make Lou Ferrigno blush.
Check out our 10 Underwear Models Celebrating National Pink Day below. Then make sure not to leave the house without a pair of pink underwear covering you up.

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