Friday, April 5, 2013

What’s Ari Up To (#1)?

 A free spirit if ever there was one, The Amazing Ari (full name Arian Levanael) is — among other things — a professional aerialist. He travels for adventure and also for his work, following the summer and performing at parties around the world. His Zoroastrian ink work and his mystic blue eyes lend him the aura of a Magi.
 Originally from Australia, Ari is currently based out of Birmingham, in the UK. The couple of times we’ve met in person I’ve been struck by Ari’s Zen-like powers of quiet confidence – he doesn’t say much.

 We sometimes chat online. This morning, he sent me some of his more recent photos, and casually told me what he’d been up to lately. This is Ari’s world:

 I’m performing this weekend at London Tattoo Convention and also the Nightingale Club in Birmingham. Last weekend was in Manchester performing in an old theatre built in 1891 for An Evening of Burlesque. Then I’m heading back to Australia for the summer and performing wherever they will hang me

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