Friday, April 19, 2013

Striking Posers: History's Hottest 100 Male Models

From:  Boy Culture
The Colby
 Colby Melvin 
(?, 1986—)

A ray of light in the sometimes edgy world of, for lack of a better term, "high-end naked modeling," Colby Melvin is more than just a purdy face...purdy smile...purdy butt...purdy everything. He's a straight-up LGBT activist, one whose appearance in a One Direction parody slamming Mitt Romney garnered him national attention during the 2012 presidential election. He became a favorite model among gay audiences by flaunting what the Lord gave him in a series of Andrew Christian spots, each one more salacious than the last. He seems to be enjoying all the naughtiness, perhaps more so because he comes from a conservative area and worked in the staid oil and gas industry as late as 2010, where he felt the need to repress all aspects of his sexuality. Not a problem for him anymore.

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