Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pure Michigan?

From:  The Grand Rapids Press

These wonderfully dull postcards won't lure travelers to 'the Mitten'
 The back of the card reads €"Everybody enjoys a day at the OVAL Saugatuck's popular bathing beach on beautiful Lake Michigan."€ I see no beach. I see no people. I see a parking lot. This kind of reminds me of the Pixar movie "€œCars."€ Maybe this is what it looks like when Lightening McQueen and Mater go to the beach.
 There is a chance that there is not a single square inch of Detroit in this Detroit postcard. I see a bridge that is partly in Detroit and some trees in Windsor, Ontario, which Journey apparently thinks is South Detroit according to "œDon't Stop Believing."€ But I do not see Detroit. Nice boat.
 The Lugnuts play in a pretty nice stadium with some cool features. It’s a pretty hopping place on game days and might make for a vibrant photo. Instead we get this shot of a deserted ballpark from taken from across the street or possibly the driver's seat of the photog'€™s car.
 That there could be a postcard for Southfield gives hope to all bland office park-laden suburbs that they, too, could have a postcard to call their own.
 OK, this is the kind of stuff that gets people in the UP all upset. They don'€™t like it when we in the Lower Peninsula forget they exist, don'€™t ya know. So this should say "€œGreetings from PART of Michigan."
 My guess is that the people of Petoskey learned about the passion that breaks out amid the tulips in Holland and planted their own flower beds. Alas, either the smoochers were camera shy or they went to the nearby 7-Eleven for some Slurpees.
 It'€™s nice to know that the brook trout campaigned hard to be the official state fish of Michigan. But there'€™s something fishy about this photo, and not just the convenient placement of the Petoskey stone, which just happens to be the official state stone of Michigan. Why is brook trout swimming in a white pine? Or is this fish flying and looking for a place to nest? Where is the official state bird?
 Some lawmakers made headlines recently by showing off their firearms in the Capitol. But apparently politicos at the turn of the century showed off some real firepower. Still, I'€™m feeling mislead. The postcard advertises the Capitol grounds, and we get a little bit of the Capitol, a little bit of the grounds€“ and a lot of cannon.
 The spectacular skyline of Midland, shown here in all of its glory, rarely appears in those Pure Michigan ads we see on television and billboards. This proves you don't have to go all the way to Gary to take in a view like this.
I've heard about tip-toeing in the tulips, but there'€™s more lip-lock going on among the blooms than in a drive-in on Saturday night. The couple in front demonstrates the hands-free technique, while the Klompen kissers in the back go for the long-distance approach. I just might have to visit Tulip Time this year is this is an indication of what does on.

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