Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Jaymes Vaughan

 A Chippendales dancer has let the world know he is out and proud!
Jaymes Vaughan, the lead singer and emcee for the fabulous male revue came out on the pages of magazine, QVegas.
While he was already out to his family and friends, Jaymes wanted to be public about his sexuality so he could serve as a role model as one of the few openly gay entertainers in Vegas.
The Chippendaler said the following:
I hope to be able to take advantage of a platform so that my fourteen-year-old self that was sitting in Chesterfield County, Virginia, might find some hope.

The fourteen year old that had no one to look up to; whose mama told him he better not be gay; whose church told him he was going to hell; whose best friend killed himself because he didn't “fit in.” Because he didn't have any hope.
I thought for so long you had to cover up who you were to be successful. I've realized you can be more successful by being yourself.
Well said, Jaymes!
Jaymes is also lead vocalist for Show in the Sky, which is on the same night as Chippendales!
We're proud that Jaymes wants to be a role model to gay youth.

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