Sunday, April 7, 2013

Bad postcard of the week:

From:  The Grand Rapids Press
Giant hands and other mysteries of South Dakota

It seemed like a nice night for a ride, South Dakota Sam thought as he hitched Lil Paint up to the buggy.

With Harriet bundled by his side, Sam set down the bumpy path toward town.

Suddenly, Lil Paint came to a stop, ears perked up.

“What is, girl?” Sam asked.

But the words had barely left his lips when the giant icy hand of death swooped in and scooped out Harriet, leaving Sam and Lil Paint to face the darkness alone.

As least that’s the best I could determine after studying today’s bad postcard of the week.

What we have here is either a normal-sized horse and buggy with a giant hand photo bombing the scene. Or, we have a little pony and a normal-sized hand that does, in fact, look like the extended appendage from the Ghost of Christmas Future showing Scrooge what fate awaits him. C’mon, look at the fingernails!

The back of the postcard reveals only some of the details.

“Game Lodge Doll House (Mabel D. Gurney Collection) Custer State Park, Custer, S. Dak.”

OK, that explains a little. But there’s more.

“This hand-carved horse and buggy unit is perfect in miniature and authentic in every detail. The horse is carved of wood and covered with the hide of unborn calf.”

Nothing about the hand, which I thought was the creepy part of the whole thing until I read about the “hide of unborn calf.”

I don’t know how one would obtain such a material. Can you go to the Hobby Lobby and ask to purchase that? Is unborn calf hide any better or worse than newborn calf hide?

There are many questions.

Apparently the Game Lodge Doll House was a feature at the park and – settle down, PETA -- no longer exists.

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