Friday, April 26, 2013

A Tale of Two Butches

From: Gay Porn Obsession
 A reader requested info on Butch McAlister aka Stash Pulaski aka John Towers aka Butch Barnes....Wait! the last one is a fake alias.What I mean by that is looking into this dude I found faulty internet info (if you can believe that) that said Butch Barnes and Butch McAlister were the same person. To be fair they look really similar...I didn't mark the break between their pics so see if you can tell the diff. Hint...Butch McA has a Steve Kelso-like eagle tattoo. I have to say Butch Barnes is more my speed but Butch McA did some hot films, notably "Boys of Venice" where he gets fucked in a pick-up by Clay Russell. 

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