Sunday, March 24, 2013

Your Hunk of the Day: Nick Beyeler

Nick Beyeler

A double twisting World Gymnastic Aerobics Champion, Aerialist, Silk Act Artist, Dancer, Martial Arts fighter and International Men's Health Magazine Model, Nick Beyeler is touring the globe with breathtaking performance acts. 
Nick was showcasing his skills at the Olympic Games in Beijing, is part of the incredible acrobats of Les FarFadais, toured as an aerialist with Holiday On Ice and he choreographs electrifying show performances. He’s a founding member of William Baker’s pop extravaganza Orchid in Miami’s Design District. Currently, Nick Beyeler is working in Mumbai on an upcoming Action Movie made in Bollywood. Nick Beyeler’s unparalleled power, sensational jumps, raw force and flexibility is sure to impress and inspire. 

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