Tuesday, September 1, 2015



Did future Survivor contestant Caleb Reynolds (aka Beast Mode Cowboy of Big Brother 16) overshare some dick pics on social media? The one damning piece of evidence is that comic book poster in the background. It was a prop in one of the show’s competitions.

I can’t decide if this should be considered in or out of character, because Caleb is a self-described born again Christian who doesn’t approve of the gay lifestyle or in having sex before marriage. But being born again never stopped anyone from whippin’ their dick out. And in the BB house Caleb — who’s been known to make racist and homophobic comments — proved he’d happily rub his dick on any gay man — provided that gay man was the famewhoring brother of a famous pop star and could hook him up with lots of celebrity swag.

That one underwear selfie where he’s showing VPL is definitely him though.

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