Wednesday, March 20, 2013

6 “Adorable” Underwear Shots

It’s no mystery that a lot of underwear photographers love to use big, buff and fierce men in their photo shoots, but every now and then, some adorable underwear models and photo shoots hit the scene. Breaking away from the norm, some photographers include teddy bears, bubbles, and big ol’ smiles in their photo shoots… and we absolutely love it.
In case your day has been anything less than wonderful, we here at The Underwear Expert have gathered together our 6 favorite adorable underwear photo shoots to make you smile!
Check out the adorable underwear photo shoots below!

 #6: Ryan Favoretto by Kris Schmitz
Ryan Favoretto proved to us all in this photo shoot with photographer Kris Schmitz that you’re never too old to play with bubbles… It probably helped that he proved it to us in his undies, but still.

 #5: David Bertozzi by Danny Garcon
David Bertozzi looked like a sad, little puppy dog when he was overly adorned with flowers in this photo shoot with Danny Garcon. Doesn’t he look like he’s “so totally whatever” about the whole thing?

#4: Paddy Mitchell by Christian Oita
Apparently, bubble blowing isn’t such a rare thing amongst underwear models. In his photo shoot with Christian Oita, Paddy Mitchell looks like he’s having more adorable fun than a toddler on Christmas morning…

 #3: Colby Melvin’s Christmas Pics
Though they very closely resembled shots from his photo shoots, these Colby Melvin Christmas pics (which were sent directly to The Underwear Expert headquarters from the North Pole) add a huge adorable-ness factor…

#2: Julio Cesar Lourenco by Leo Okuyama
Julio Cesar Lourenco wasn’t afraid to bring his favorite stuffed animals for this strangely seductive photo shoot with Leo Okuyama… It’s like a seductive, adorable mashup that we don’t really understand…

#1: Parker Hurley by Gabriel Gastelum
Parker Hurley released his full-fledged inner-child in this photo shoot with Gabriel Gastelum. After slurping down a bowl of cereal, playing some video games, watching cartoons and playing with his action figures, Parker Hurley had totally proved to us one thing: He’s absolutely adorable (and worthy of the #1 spot!).

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