Wednesday, March 1, 2017

40 Musical Reasons Why Dolly Parton Is A Groundbreaking Genius, In Chronological Order

From: OMG
 To celebrate the queen Dolly Parton, we asked the biggest Dolly fan we know, to create a chronological list of his favorite Dolly songs.

You might be surprised that most of Dolly’s songs (particularly the early ones) are not about romantic heartbreak, but uplifting things like unplanned pregnancy, child abuse, murder, and insanity — from a feminist perspective.

Heads up: We didn’t even try to include a song from Trio or Trio II, the glorious collaboration albums from Dolly, Emmylou Harris, and Linda Ronstadt. You should really listen to those in their entirety.
Now, on to the list! 

Dumb Blonde 
The first single from Dolly’s first album Hello, I’m Dolly. She ain’t no dumb blonde though!

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