Thursday, October 15, 2015

October 15th is Conflict Resolution Day

Conflict Resolution Day is a global event, intended to promote the concept of peaceful conflict resolution. Created in 2005 by the Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR), it is now an annual celebration.

Primarily an educational event, the main purpose of Conflict Resolution Day is to increase awareness of the various peaceful, non-violent methods of conflict resolution available, such as mediation and arbitration. In addition, the ACR hopes to promote their use in various different avenues of life, including in schools, workplaces, within the legal system and even amongst families.

The Association for Conflict Resolution, alongside various independent organisations, host informative events all over the world, so check the event listings in your local area and see if you can attend one.

If not, why not spend the day learning about the contributions of some of history’s great peaceful conflict mediators?

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