Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Meet Jon-Erik Hexum

Any excuse to revisit the late DREAMBOAT.

In an '80s issue of 16, you might expect to be introduced to someone like Jon-Erik Hexum
Loving this vintage page from the past for several reasons:

(1) Meeno Peluce, a cute brunet kiddo (and now a successful photog) is flat out called "dark." I mean, "tall, dark and handsome" works. "Dark Meeno Peluce" does not.

(2) Hexum is called a blond.

(3) He proudly states, "I be a Valley dude."

(4) He asks readers to "threaten" their friends to watch his series Voyagers.


(5) In a date, he seeks someone who "likes to be active." Oh, yes.

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