Sunday, April 20, 2014

Art History’s 10 Best Alternative Male Nudes

From: Artnet News
Is the male body really so dull? Last week Guardian art critic Jonathan Jones published his latest in a series of listicles plundering art history for page-views, “The top 10 male nudes in art.” Aside from a couple of inspired picks—a Wolfgang Tillmans photo, Donatello’s David—it’s all very safe and predictable. Here, then, are artnet News’s 10 better male nudes.

Ilse Haider, Mr. Big (2013).
Courtesy the Leopold Museum, Vienna.
The centerpiece of the Leopold Museum‘s controversial “Nude Men” exhibition—whose posters, featuring a Pierre & Gilles image of nude soccer players, were censored—became an improbable and irresistible photo op for visitors outside the Viennese institution.

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