Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Soap Dish #8 (In Which A Love Triangle Creates Drama In Pine Valley)

From: Deep Dish
Today we revisit All My Children in April 1989 when the love triangle of Dixie Cooney, Adam Chandler and his wife Brooke was creating drama in Pine Valley. Unfortunately, most of the 20 episodes below are edited, but you can still enjoy this main story line (click here for previous Soap Dish posts).

Pat Baxter - Lee Chamberlin
Adam Chandler - David Canary
Brooke Chandler - Julia Barr
Julie Chandler - Lauren Holly
Ross Chandler - Robert Gentry
Skye Chandler - Robin Christopher
Stuart Chandler - David Canary
Dixie Cooney - Cady McClain
Melanie Cortlandt - Paige Turco
Palmer Cortlandt - James Mitchell
Will Cortlandt - Lonnie Quinn
Sean Cudahy - Alan Dysert
Tom Cudahy - Richard Shoberg
Cecily Davidson - Rosa Nevin
Myrtle Fargate - Eileen Herlie
Dr. Angie Hubbard - Debbi Morgan
Jeremy Hunter - Jean LeClerc
Natalie Hunter - Kate Collins
Erica Kane - Susan Lucci
Nico Kelly - Maurice Benard
Dr. Joe Martin - Ray MacDonnell
Joey Martin - Michael Brainard
Ruth Martin - Mary Fickett
Tad Martin - Michael E. Knight
Barbara Montgomery - Susan Pratt
Jackson Montgomery - Walt Willey
Travis Montgomery - Larkin Malloy
Karen Parker - Ellen Wheeler
David Rampal - Trent Bushey
Jasper Sloan - Ronald Drake
Myra Sloan - Elizabeth Lawrence
Mona Tyler - Frances Heflin
Stan 'Mr. U' Ulatowski - Eugene J. Anthony
Phoebe Wallingford - Ruth Warrick
Dr. Cliff Warner - Peter Bergman

Monday, April 3 - Wednesday, April 12, 1989
Brooke, unaware that Adam is the father of Dixie's baby, hires Tad Martin to find the baby's father. He then sets up a chance meeting with Dixie. Meanwhile, Travis warns Jack that Erica is on the rebound after Jack hands him his final divorce papers.

Thursday, April 13, 1989
Melanie breaks up with David after her Uncle Palmer secretly helps to end their budding romance. Meanwhile, Angie is unable to make love to Cliff.

Friday, April 14, 1989
As Cecily is locking up the club, a thief attacks her. Dixie tells Palmer that she's letting Adam and Brooke adopt her baby. After overhearing Tad tell Brooke that he will soon know who the father is, a furious Dixie slaps him.

Monday, April 17, 1989
Nico is furious with Cecily for getting friendly with a customer, who later robbed them. Tad eavesdrops on Dixie's phone conversation with Adam and learns the truth. Adam later arrives home from a business trip.

Tuesday, April 18, 1989
Adam brings Dixie the adoption papers for her to sign. Palmer later tells Adam that he's not going to let him adopt Dixie's baby.

Wednesday, April 19, 1989
Ross confronts Adam with his knowledge that Adam is the father of Dixie's baby. Dixie later refuses to sign the adoption papers.

Thursday, April 20, 1989
Tad refuses Adam's job offer in South Carolina. Brooke begins to suspect the truth.

Friday, April 21, 1989
Tad eavesdrops on Adam and Dixie's conversation as Adam tries to pressure Dixie into moving into his New York City apartment until after the baby is born. Tad later gathers everyone together to reveal the identity of the baby's father.

Monday, April 24, 1989
Tad announces that he's the father of Dixie's baby. Dixie then tells Tad to stop messing in her life, and she refuses to believe him when he says Adam will never leave Brooke for her. Erica kisses Jack, but he rebuffs her because she's still hung up on Travis. Tad threatens to bring Adam down if he hurts Dixie.

Tuesday, April 25 - Wednesday, April 26, 1989
Joey tells Palmer that Tad is the father of Dixie's baby. Palmer then confronts Dixie, who lies that Tad is the father. Someone later punches Tad in the face.

Thursday, April 27, 1989
Will and Tad get into a fight when Will believes that Tad got Dixie pregnant. Tad later kisses Dixie in front of Brooke to make her believe they are a couple. Meanwhile, Travis introduces Erica to her new vice-president in charge of public relations - Barbara.

Friday, April 28, 1989
Joe and Ruth meet with Palmer to discuss Tad and Dixie's wedding, but Palmer, who doesn't believe that Tad is the father, wants a paternity test to prove it. Skye warns Dixie that Tad is using her. Adam sees Tad and Dixie together as Tad feels her baby move.

Atlanta Sheriff Arrested Cruising For Sex In Public Park

An officer patrolling Piedmont Park claims Sheriff Jeffrey Mann exposed himself
From: NewNowNext
 A police sheriff was arrested cruising for sex during a sting operation in Atlanta, but claims the incident was “a misunderstanding.” DeKalb County Sheriff Jeffrey Mann, 54, has been charged with indecency and obstruction of an officer for reportedly masturbating in a cruising area and then fleeing police.

An officer was patrolling Piedmont Park when he claims he saw Mann rub himself through his slacks and then expose himself.

Mann approached the officer, whose uniform was obscured, but when the officer shined a flashlight on him, Mann ran away.

“I ran behind the male while yelling, ‘Police, STOP!,’” the officer maintained. “[He] looked back at me multiple times but continued to run towards the sidewalk and street.” Mann was apprehended when he stopped to tie his shoes a quarter-mile away.

“If those charges are accurate, that behavior is certainly unbecoming to anyone and that includes the sheriff or any other officer,” Georgia Sheriffs’ Association Executive Director Terry Norris told the Associated Press.

“I am part of law enforcement [and] appreciate the Atlanta Police Department and the job that they do,” Mann allegedly said, adding that the arrest was a misunderstanding and he was “looking to clear my name.”

Mann has been the sheriff since 2014 but County Commissioner Nancy Jester said that the charges would make it difficult for him to perform his duties. While he cannot be removed from office by the city, Mann can still be removed by the state government or offer to step down voluntarily.

WSB-TV reported that every sheriff elected to a full term in Dekalb County since 1964 has faced criminal charges.

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From: kenneth in the (212)

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Alien: Covenant introduces the franchise's first gay characters

Meet Lope and Hallett
From: Digital Spy
 Alien: Covenant is heading to cinemas this Friday and the early reactions have been great, but one of the notable things about the film is that it features the Alien franchise's first openly gay characters.

Lope (Demián Bichir) and Hallett (Nathaniel Dean) are two member of the crew of the Covenant, a ship taking 2,000 colonists to a new planet they're hoping will be a hospitable alternative to earth.

The crew is populated by couples – they're moving to the new place for life, so it's right they would want their loved ones with them – and Lope and Hallett are one of these couples.

 We first saw them in the prologue video 'The Last Supper' having a bit of an arm wrestle and a cuddle in a scene set before the crew goes into cryo-sleep. This is a scene not in the film, and at the time of writing Fox seems to have taken it off its YouTube channel, so we can't actually embed it here – sorry.

In the movie it's acknowledged that Lope and Hallett are a couple and also that they're married (both wear wedding rings).

Unlike something like Beauty and the Beast, the franchise introduces its first gay characters without making much of a thing of it. Unlike LeFou's confusion about his feelings, there's no implication here that anyone is confused about their sexuality – in fact in the movie, it's only clearly acknowledged in one brief scene which is a bit of a SPOILER.

If you'd like to know what occurs in that scene, click here. If not, there's nothing more for you here – go see the movie!


Though the two are seen hanging out together in the ship, it's not obvious they are definitely partners until Hallett inhales some spores which quickly leads to an alien bursting through his face (yuk). Lope witnesses this and grabs him in shock, while Daniels (Katherine Waterston) is telling him "there's nothing you can do". Lope whispers "I love you" before they have to leave him.

It's actually pretty moving. Sniff.

Alien: Covenant opens in cinemas on May 12

Albania Pride Set To Go On Despite National Protest

The country's annual Pride bike ride will take place as protesters demonstrate against Prime Minister Edi Rama
From: NewNowNext
 Albanian LGBT rights groups have been assured by officials that the country’s annual pride event will go on as planned, in spite of the fact that a nationwide protest is scheduled for the same day.

The organizations were informed by Democratic party leader Lulzim Basha that there would be “no incidents or threats” during their Saturday bike ride in Tirana, which will start two hours before the opposition’s rally.

According to Pulse, the right-wing opposition has been calling for the resignation of Prime Minister Edi Rama for more than 18 months. His opponents accuse the Socialist politician of promoting cannabis cultivation in order to raise money and manipulate voter turnout.

Protesters recently gathered outside Rama’s office in Tirana, blocking the boulevard with signs reading “Rama Go!” and “We Want A Transitional Government!”

“The time has come to build a modern democratic European state and not block roads and institutions,” Rama said in response to the demonstration.

While the Pride bike route will avoid most contentious areas, participants will ride past a giant tent pitched outside Rama’s office by the opposition this past February.

“Let us stay together to have free and fair elections which we can only achieve by kicking out this government of crime and [replacing it with] the technocrat government of free elections,” Democratic leader Lulzim Basha said as the tent was raised.

“Free elections, or no elections at all.”

A NATO member and candidate to join the European Union, Albania has a long history of contested polls. Since the fall of communism in the early 1990s, the results of elections have often been challenged by the losing side, usually with street protests that sometimes turn violent.

In regards to LGBT rights, Albania passed anti-discrimination laws in 2010 and established a hate crime law in 2013, but homophobia is still rampant throughout much of the country.

Actor Antonio Sabato Jr. to run for Congress against Rep. Julia Brownley

From: LA Times
Actor Antonio Sabato Jr. at the GOP convention.
Tannen Maury / European Pressphoto Agency
Actor Antonio Sabato Jr. is running for Congress, challenging Rep. Julia Brownley (D-Westlake Village), who represents the southern central coast and most of Ventura County, according to documents filed with the Federal Election Commission on Monday.

Attempts to reach the Republican candidate were unsuccessful Monday, but GOP strategist Charles Moran, who will serve as Sabato’s fundraiser, confirmed the run. Strategist Jeff Corless will serve as a top adviser.

Sabato is a longtime actor best known for roles in “General Hospital” and “Melrose Place” and as a model for Calvin Klein underwear. In recent years he has appeared in several reality television shows, including starring in “My Antonio,” a VH1 contest for which women competed for his affection, and “Dancing With the Stars.”

The 45-year-old was a vocal supporter of President Trump during the 2016 presidential campaign and spoke on his behalf at that year’s Republican National Convention. In an interview at the time, he said that that then-President Obama was a Muslim, which is not true. Sabato said afterward that he was blacklisted by Hollywood producers because of his visible support for Trump.

Moran said Sabato has long been interested in politics and public policy, but his experiences at the convention prompted him to consider running for office. Issues he plans to focus on are veterans’ needs and substance abuse, Moran said.

“Being a Republican and with proximity to the White House and Republican leadership, he’s going to be able to get more done — being in the majority, with his notoriety, for the residents of the 26th [Congressional] District,” Moran said.

Brownley has represented the district since 2013. The 64-year-old previously served in the state Assembly for six years. Sabato is an Italian-born American citizen and Westlake Village resident.

Republicans consistently won the district from 2002 to 2012, the first election after redistricting changed the borders and population of the district. Brownley won that election by six points, but two years later she narrowly hung on to her seat, winning by two points. In 2016, she beat her GOP opponent by 20 points.

“Moonlight” Stars Ashton Sanders And Jharrel Jerome Win “Best Kiss” At MTV Movie & TV Awards

"This is for those that feel like the others, the misfits."
From: NewNowNext
 Ashton Sanders and Jharrel Jerome won the award for “Best Kiss” at the MTV Movie & TV Awards on Sunday night for their romantic beach side moment in the Oscar-winning Moonlight.

“This award is bigger than Jharrel and I,” Sanders said during his acceptance speech. “This represents more than a kiss. This is for those that feel like the others, the misfits. This represents us.”

“I think it’s safe to say that it is okay for young performers, especially us minority performers, to step out of the box,” Jerome added. “This award is for that. It’s for artists who need to step out of the box and do whatever it takes to tell a story and whatever it takes to make a change, to get people to wake up.”

The guys beat out La La Land‘s Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling and Beauty and the Beast‘s Emma Watson and Dan Stevens for the honor of best smooch.

‘American Gods’ Episode Boasts ‘Hottest And Most Pornographic Gay Sex Scene’ Ever on Mainstream TV

From: Towleroad
Move over Sense8, Starz’ American Gods might be out to steal your thirsty thunder. Critics are sounding off the new show’s third episode, which apparently “has the single hottest and most pornographic gay sex scene ever put on mainstream television.”

The new series, adapted from Neil Gaiman’s 2001 novel of the same name, tells the story of a battle between old and new gods in an American setting and will reportedly feature a steamy sex scene between Omid Abtahi, who plays a young Muslim man named Salim living in New York, and Mousa Kraish, who plays a spiritual messenger, or jinn, disguised as a taxi driver, HuffPost reports.

In an interview with Out magazine, Kraish talked about how historic and momentous the scene is: “Now, more than ever, that story is incredibly powerful. The sex scene is so intense and intimate,” he said. “I don’t think anything like it has ever occurred on TV.” Kraish will reportedly be fully nude for the scene.

Kraish wasn’t the only person to note the novelty and importance of the scene, however. The show’s executive producer and co-creator Bryan Fuller said the scene is noteworthy because it features two gay Muslim characters.

“[It] was not a small feat for two gay Muslim characters to have a beautiful, sophistical, sexual experience,” Fuller told Showbiz 411, adding the he teamed up with the show’s other co-creator Michael Green to show “what it’s like to take a god inside you.”

If you need us, we’ll be setting our DVR.

How Edgy: Five Satisfying Scenes Of Self Love

From: OMG
 There is something startlingly intimate about seeing an actor rub one out in a non-adult film. Sex scenes are common to the point of being bland, but self love scenes are unfortunately rare. We are going to look at five unashamed actors who proudly put their private time on display for the public.

Artem Shcherbakov 
Sun in My Mouth 

History's 125 Hottest Gay-Porn Stars

From:  Boy Culture
 Stone fox
Chris Stone 

This Latin swallow fire worked from the late '80s until the mid-2000s, always giving good face as well as the other. I remember him for the films that played up his Costa Rican roots (and root), like Los Hombres (1991) or Latin Attraction (1997), but he must've made 100 features, both as the main course and as a side dish. He had a member as long as his illustrious career and his presence was always a sign that the video would have at least one sincere scene.

In Seismic Abuse of Power, Trump Fires FBI Director James Comey

From: Towleroad
In a move that is being called “Nixonian,” Donald Trump has fired James Comey, the FBI Director leading the investigation into the president and his administration for colluding with Russia during the 2016 presidential election.

The news was hand-delivered to the FBI by Keith Schiller, a bodyguard who has worked for Trump for many years.

Trump is not expected to address the nation  regarding the firing.

The firing has heightened calls for an independent prosecutor to lead the Trump-Russia probe.

The Washington Post reports:

“The president has accepted the recommendation of the Attorney General and the deputy Attorney General regarding the dismissal of the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation,” Spicer told reporters in the briefing room.
Spicer also said that Comey was “notified a short time ago.” This is effective “immediately,” he said.
Officials said Comey was fired because senior Justice Department officials concluded he had violated Justice Department principles and procedures by publicly discussing the investigation of Hillary Clinton’s use of private email. Just last week, President Trump publicly accused Comey of giving Clinton “a free pass for many bad deeds’’ when he decided not to recommend criminal charges in the case.
Officials released a Tuesday memo from the Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, laying out the rationale behind Comey’s dismissal.
“The FBI’s reputation and credibility have suffered substantial damage, and it has affected the entire Department of Justice,’’ Rosenstein wrote. “I cannot defend the director’s handling of the conclusion of the investigation of Secretary Clinton’s emails, and I do not understand his refusal to accept the nearly universal judgment that he was mistaken. Almost everyone agrees that the director made serious mistakes; it is one of the few issues that unites people of diverse perspectives.’’


Writes the ACLU:

The independence of the FBI director is meant to ensure that the president does not operate above the law. For President Trump to fire the man responsible for investigating his own campaign’s ties to the Russians imperils that fundamental principle.
Regardless of how one judges the performance of James Comey in either the Hillary Clinton or Russia investigations, President Trump’s dismissal of a sitting FBI director raises serious alarm bells for our system of checks and balances.
The terms of FBI directors were purposefully structured to span across sitting presidents to ensure the FBI’s independence and insulate the bureau from partisan politics. President Trump’s dismissal of Comey raises questions about the administration’s inappropriate meddling in bureau operations — precisely at a time when the bureau appears to be investigating the president, his advisors, and his campaign for potential collusion with Russian agents in our last election.

Tyson Beckford Strips Down In The Vegas Desert

From: Fleshbot
 He's baaack. No stranger to to showing us what he's made of, ageless model Tyson Beckford gave everyone an eyeful of his very edible ass in the Las Vegas desert. 

You're welcome. 

Tyson posted the pic to his own Instagram account, but later deleted it. Talk about a tease, right? Lucky for us, before he could get rid of his perfect bubble butt forever, fans were able to grab it for themselves. Let's thank the gay gods for screenshots. 

A Russian help line called this man a “faggot,” and then outed him on social media

From: Queerty
So-called counselors took it upon themselves to out a gay man on social media after he reached out to them via a Russian hotline.

During the call, they reportedly told him they couldn’t “work with faggotry.”

The unnamed man claims he called the FROG center in St. Petersburg. He told the operator he was homosexual and needed some advice.

The operator primly responded, “This line isn’t for faggots,” and hung up on him.

Understandably outraged, the caller sought out FROG’s director Alexander Bronshtein on social media and complained about his treatment.

Bronshtein’s response: “You were told [we] don’t work with faggotry and then you were wished all the best. What was rude about this?”

Realizing antigay sentiment runs rampant within that company, the caller then reached out to Lena Klimova, a Russian LGBTQ activist and founder of the “Children 404” support group for gay youths.

Klimova noted the situation in a Facebook post, taking issue with FROG’s hypocritical “statement of trust”: “If you’re sad, lonely, and in pain, call us! We will help everyone!”

Sharing screenshots of the grotesque exchange, she warned LGBTQ Russians to avoid the company altogether.

She blurred the caller’s name, but left Bronshtein’s exposed for all the world to see.

On a Russian social media platform called Vkontakte, the director pitifully defended his stance:

“We really don’t treat people for faggotry and this caller was informed of that, and wished all the best. Except you [Lena Klimova] erased his information for some reason, and left mine. If you’re taking screenshots, then do a full screenshot. You don’t need to hide your friend’s name.”

Some people believe Bronshtein’s response, which effectively outed the caller, may constitute a hate crime.

FROG employees are apparently unfazed by the incident and are still staunchly embracing their homophobic viewpoint.

Shortly after the grim back-and-forth between he and Klimova, Bronshtein shared a video on the company’s official website featuring Vladimir Putin defending Russia’s ban on “gay propaganda.”

Comey’s Testimony on Huma Abedin Forwarding Emails Was Inaccurate

From: Towleroad
FBI director James Comey generated national headlines last week with his dramatic testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, explaining his “incredibly painful” decision to go public about the Hillary Clinton emails found on Anthony Weiner’s laptop.

Perhaps Comey’s most surprising revelation was that Huma Abedin — Weiner’s wife and a top Clinton deputy — had made “a regular practice” of forwarding “hundreds and thousands” of Clinton messages to her husband, “some of which contain classified information.” Comey testified that Abedin had done this so that the disgraced former congressman could print them out for her boss. (Weiner’s laptop was seized after he came under criminal investigation for sex crimes, following a media report about his online relationship with a teenager.)

The New York Post plastered its story on the front page with a photo of an underwear-clad Weiner and the headline: “HARD COPY: Huma sent Weiner classified Hillary emails to print out.” The Daily News went with a similar front-page screamer: “HUMA ERROR: Sent classified emails to sext maniac Weiner.”

The problem: Much of what Comey said about this was inaccurate. Now the FBI is trying to figure out what to do about it.

FBI officials have privately acknowledged that Comey misstated what Abedin did and what the FBI investigators found. On Monday, the FBI was said to be preparing to correct the record by sending a letter to Congress later this week. But that plan now appears on hold, with the bureau undecided about what to do.

ProPublica is reporting a story on the FBI’s handling of the Clinton emails and raised questions with government officials last week about possible inaccuracies in Comey’s statements about Abedin.

It could not be learned how the mistake occurred. The FBI and Abedin declined ProPublica’s requests for comment on the director’s misstatements.

Here are four ideas we’ve used to guide our Trump administration coverage. Read the story.

According to two sources familiar with the matter — including one in law enforcement — Abedin forwarded only a handful of Clinton emails to her husband for printing — not the “hundreds and thousands” cited by Comey. It does not appear Abedin made “a regular practice” of doing so. Other officials said it was likely that most of the emails got onto the computer as a result of backups of her Blackberry.

It was not clear how many, if any, of the forwarded emails were among the 12 “classified” emails Comey said had been found on Weiner’s laptop. None of the messages carried classified markings at the time they were sent.

Comey’s Senate testimony about Abedin came as he offered his first public explanation for his decision to reveal the existence of the emails on Oct. 28, days ahead of the 2016 election and before FBI agents had examined them.

When agents obtained a search warrant that allowed them to read the messages, they turned out to be mostly duplicates of emails the bureau had obtained earlier in the investigation. Comey announced just before Election Day that nothing had changed in the Clinton case, which had been closed four months earlier without criminal charges.

During his testimony, Comey said that part of the reason for revealing the existence of the messages was that some appeared to fill an eight-week gap in records from early in Clinton’s tenure as Secretary of State. Comey said the FBI viewed them as “the golden missing emails that would change this case” because they might provide insights into Clinton’s intent when she set up her private server.

Comey testified that investigators searching Weiner’s laptop in the days before the election also found that “somehow, her emails are being forwarded to Anthony Weiner, including classified information, by [Clinton’s] assistant, Huma Abedin.” Abedin, he later testified, “appears to have had a regular practice of forwarding emails to him, for him I think to print out for her so she could then deliver them to the Secretary of State.”

After Comey painted this troubling picture, Republican Sen. Ted Cruz demanded to know why Abedin and Weiner hadn’t been charged with mishandling classified information, calling the failure to do so “puzzling.”

“You said Ms. Abedin forwarded hundreds or thousands of classified emails to her husband on a non-government, non-classified computer,” said Cruz. “How is — how does that conduct not directly violate the statute?”

Comey offered a partial clarification, telling the Texas senator: “…if I said that, I misspoke. She forwarded hundreds and thousands of emails, some of which contain classified information.” Comey agreed both Abedin and Weiner “potentially” might have committed a crime, but said the FBI found no basis for concluding either had acted with criminal intent. Comey said the FBI had been unable to discuss the matter with Weiner “because he has pending criminal problems of other sorts.”

Abedin’s lawyer issued a statement after Comey’s Oct. 28 letter, saying Abedin had no idea how her exchanges with Clinton got on Weiner’s laptop, and no idea that they were there.

‘American Gods’ will feature the most explicit gay sex scene on TV

From: blade
Omid Abtahi and Mousa Kraish in ‘American Gods’
Photo via Starz
Fantasy series “American Gods” will include the most explicit sex scene on TV, according to multiple reports.

The series, an adaptation of the novel by Neil Gaiman, follows old gods such as Love and Evil as they prepare to battle new gods like Technology. Salim (Omid Abtahi), who has recently moved to New York City, crosses path with the Jinn (Mousa Kraish), a mythological Middle Eastern god posing as a taxi driver. The pair meet in a taxi and go back to a hotel room to have sex.

“The Jinn comes into Salim’s life to say, ‘It’s OK to be who you are.’ Now more than ever that story is incredibly powerful. The sex scene is so intense and intimate. I don’t think anything like it has ever occurred on TV,” Kraish told Out.

In an interview with Vice, gay show runner Bryan Fuller says the sex scene between the two characters was one of his favorite moments to translate from page to screen.

“We talked at length about our favorite aspects of the novel very early on, and we both cited Salim and the Jinn as one of the most memorable, touching romantic chapters of the novel. And so, we took great care and were very deliberate in how we brought that to life so it reflected the romance of the novel. We also added a few notions about a particular gay experience, coming from a man who originates from a country where you can be thrown off a rooftop for being gay,” Fuller says.

At a press event for the show, Fuller explained the scene was a “wonderful metaphor for a religious experience.”

“I’m excited for people to see the Salim and Jinn story and the beauty of that sex scene, which was not a small feat for two gay Muslim characters to have a beautiful, sophistical, sexual experience and what it was like for us to visually give you an idea of what it’s like to take a god inside you. I felt like it was a wonderful metaphor for a religious experience,” Fuller says.

The scene between Salim and Jinn airs May 14 at 9 p.m. on Starz.

Hershey's Flavors Across America: Florida Orange Cream Pop Twizzlers

Review: Twizzlers and  Florida are the only candy and state to be honored with two flavors (the other is FLORIDA KEY LIME PIE TWIZZLERS) . This version is a flashback to great taste of a push up pop that we all enjoyed as a kid. This should become a permanent addition to the Twizzler family! 👍👍 

Why “Drag Race” should give these 8 queens a shot at Rudemption

From: Queerty
Nicole Paige Brooks

Admit it: when you see her name written, you hear it said out loud, he her voice, with the kind of emphasis usually reserved for shouting at crowds through a megaphone. This lanky luminary might have burned out early (and her recent run-ins with the law certainly don’t bode well), but the internet can’t decide if its love affair with her is ironic or not, and bringing her back would be a great way to figure that out.

A Queer Renaissance is Making Broadway Fabulous Again

From: Queerty

The Plot
An actress from the silent film era is getting older. She can’t get work in Hollywood because movies now have spoken dialogue. She becomes a recluse hiding in her mansion. But then, a young man accidentally wanders into her life, and everything changes…although the show opens with an image of that young man dead in a swimming pool, so it is safe to say that things don’t go well for him.

Why The Gays Are Going
Glenn Close can captivate an entire audience just by changing her facial expression. Watching her play an old Hollywood star, who descends into the depths of dementia and despair, is a delicious experience to behold. But Sunset Boulevard is not just an excuse to watch Glenn Close lose her marbles for two hours; this production has the largest orchestra currently on Broadway, so big it doesn’t fit into the pit so they perform on stage with the actors, and the impact is lovely. As a bonus, the male lead (Michael Xavier) performs an entire scene wearing nothing other than a tiny swimsuit, and he has nice pecs. (This production is a revival; Close played this same role on Broadway 22 years ago, and she won a Tony for Best Actress, making her ineligible for a nomination this year.)

7 Sexy Singers Competing In The Eurovision Song Contest 2017

From: NewNowNext

Завтра о 15:00 в прес-центрі ГолосUA @jenia_galich розповість багато цікавого.
А з вашими питаннями розмова буде ще цікавіша!
Надсилайте їх за адресою

  • otorvald
  • Запрошуємо всіх наших людей на автограф-сесію O.Torvald, 
  • яка пройде в Ocean Plaza @ocean.plaza (Київ) цієї суботи, 29 квітня. 
    Чекаємо вас о 16:00!
With five cute members to ogle, this Ukrainian rock band gives you more bang for your buck. First put together in 2005, O.Torvald will represent their country with the song “Time.”