Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Burning Soul

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 'Eleven men, eleven dancers, in a permanent state of nudity that underlines the diversity of their bodies and origins, throwing themselves, body and soul, into Anima Ardens.'

 It wasn't just the site of 11 naked dancers that had me wanting to feature these images from Anima Ardens, (Burning Soul) it was the visual beauty of the men together, both on stage, and in photographs that had me wanting to find out more. One of things that I found out, was that one of the dancers was recently featured on FH. Curious as if anyone an spot him with out a search. Choreographed by Thierry Smits, Anima Ardens premiered last fall at Compagnie Thor in Brussels.

 'Their dance will crescendo to the limits of trance practices, to a modified state of their bodies. Their goal is to reach a collective intense emotional climax, a poetic fury that will lead to a space of freedom: a place where even the spectator would breathe more freely, would let go and liberate himself from the weight of the present. Those men, those dancers, have been chosen deliberately by Thierry Smits; not for their technical virtuosity, but because they are all gifted with the feel for motion exploration which is at the centre of this production. They come from Belgium, Germany, Poland, Italy, Portugal, Brazil, France and United Kingdom.'

 If you want to see more, there are a few more documentary and news videos surrounding the production on YouTube.


he was freaking cute and hot


From: Retro Studs
    It's funny how your views on what's attractive or sexy changes over the years.  Hairy Bruno never used to do anything for me back in the day, but now the older I get, the more I find him incredibly sexy. Supposedly of Cuban descent, Bruno was a COLT model who set a standard for manly gay porn stars in the 70's. Here's a sample of the great Bruno in his glory days...

Brandon Ruckdashel: Grinder's NY Premier

From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 'It never really dawned on me before watching Grinder how rare the male perspective about the consequences of selling yourself for sex is in film.'
Ali Naro (Over the Rainbow)

'Grinder is a story that is very close to my heart. Each year young men come to New York chasing after their dreams of becoming actors and models. These aspiring artists meet with various characters over the early parts of their career and it was my hope to breathe life into a few of these people. The seed for Grinder was planted when my long time business partner, Barney Oldfield, and I decided to make an LGBT film in December of 2013. In a typical Arkoff style approach we shot a prototype poster and came up with a title. A major influence on our selection of title was the famous cover of a woman going through a meat grinder illustrated by William Nirenberg for Hustler magazine. A Grinder seemed to be the perfect representation of what New York does to young talent in their first few years in town.'

 Actor and writer Brandon Ruckdashel makes his directorial debut with Grinder, which had it's New York Premier tonight! In Grinder, Luke (Tyler Austin), an innocent teenager, leaves his home in the suburbs and his abusive father (Jose Ramos) for the promise of a modeling job in New York City. Once there he meets Rich (Jon Fleming), an unscrupulous model agent and is dragged into the dark world of New York nightlife. Tim (Brandon Ruckdashel), a photographer who leads a double life in spite of being engaged to a young woman (Sarah Lazar), becomes obsessed with Luke and destroys his relationship with her. Grinder reflects Brandon's personal experience as a young actor coming to New York. 

"Grinder" New York Premiere
Wednesday March 29th 7PM
Anthology Film Archives
32 Second Avenue
New York, NY 10003
Tickets $7 @ the box office

All Images of Brandon above from the last great photographer Tony Jones

Bill O’Reilly Ridiculed Rep. Maxine Waters Over Her “James Brown Wig”

"I didn't hear a word she said. I was looking at the James Brown wig."
From: NewNowNext
Bill O’Reilly faced backlash on Tuesday morning after saying he was too distracted by Rep. Maxine Waters’ “James Brown wig” to listen to anything she was saying.

The host made the comments during Fox & Friends while watching a clip of the California Democrat giving a speech on the House floor about how it is patriotic to criticize the president.

“We fight against this president and we point out how dangerous he is,” Waters said. “We’re saying to those who say they’re patriotic, but they turn a blind eye to the destruction he is about to cause to this country, ’You are not nearly as patriotic as we are.'”

When O’Reilly was asked to respond to Waters’ comments, he completely disregarded her words and focused on her appearance instead.

“I didn’t hear a word she said,” he replied. “I was looking at the James Brown wig.”

Two of O’Reilly’s cohosts quickly joined in on the “joke,” but Ainsley Earnhardt interrupted to defend the Congresswoman.

“You can’t go after a woman’s looks,” she said. “I think she’s very attractive.”

“I didn’t say she wasn’t attractive,” O’Reilly replied. “I love James Brown, but it’s the same hair.”

Just a few hours later, O’Reilly apologized for his comments.

“As I have said many times, I respect Congresswoman Maxine Waters for being sincere in her beliefs,” he said in a statement. “I said that again today on Fox & Friends, calling her ’old school.’ Unfortunately, I also made a jest about her hair which was dumb. I apologize.”

Benjamin Godfre: Stunning

From: Gay Body Blog

Many of you may have seen his face before, but I just have to share it again. Benjamin Godfre is probably one of the most stunning guys I’ve come across… I could stare into those eyes for hours.

Beloved New York Drag Queen Sweetie Passes Away

"I have the easy job—I just have to die."
From: NewNowNext
 Veteran New York drag queen Sweetie NYC passed away Tuesday after a lengthy battle with cancer. She was 51.

Born Daniel Booth, Sweetie was known for her flawless lip sync and raunchy humor. She got her start in the early 1990s, cutting her teeth at the Pyramid, the Slide, Boy Bar and Jackie 60, and at parties thrown by Susanne Bartsch and Linda Simpson.

“I had always considered myself a serious actor in a lot of ways, and drag was kind of lowbrow to me,” Sweetie told Michael Musto in Paper magazine last year.

“I loved watching it, but never thought I’d do it seriously, until I found out they were making money doing it, you know what I mean?”

After cycling through a number of names, she landed on Sweetie—”from that Jane Campion movie, Sweetie. ”

“[She] was an old-school drag legend whose dedication and craft helped pave the way for the current drag boom,” recalled Musto. “She gave everything onstage, and lit up a room with her pride, focus, and delivery.”

Longtime friend Daniel Nardicio hosted a birthday benefit for Sweetie at the Highline Ballroom that served as something of a farewell engagement. On Facebook, Nardicio recalled a recent conversation with her.

“Sweetie and I were talking about plans for ’the end’ and I looked down and realized, after her living with this disease for two years by that point, what that meant,” he wrote. “I started crying, and said to her, ’I don’t really know how I’m gonna go on without my best friend.’ And she just replied, “Don’t. I know I have the easy job. I just have to die.”

“I’m obviously bereft, but I feel lucky that we made it much longer than we had originally thought,” he adds “and so thankful she found love in her life the last two years, and managed to bury the hatchet and make peace with people she needed to.”

A memorial will be held at Pangea restaurant in New York on Sunday from 2 to 4 pm, where Nardicio writes “We can invoke her spirit, raise a glass, and tell tales—or just hug.”

The GOP Obamacare debacle means Trump’s attacks on equality will only get worse

From: Queerty
Donald Trump is a lousy negotiator and House Speaker Paul Ryan is an incompetent ideologue. Those are supposed to be the takeaways of the Obamacare repeal debacle, but anyone with a pulse who has been paying attention could have told you the same years ago. No question that the failure will damage the GOP’s agenda. After all, not being able to pass a bill you’ve promised for seven years when you have control over the executive and legislative branches of government is a pretty fair definition of political incompetence. 

But if you think that the failure means that the end of the right-wing’s entire wish list, think again. Failure has its limits. Here are four points to keep in mind as the Republicans try to get their act together.

The Administration doesn’t need Congress to do damage

Trump is populating his administration with right-wing fanatics (when he is populating it at all). There’s his Cabinet, of course, with such dim bulbs as Rick Perry and Ben Carson. But more frightening is the largely faceless layer beneath the Cabinet heads. These are the folks who can carry out a lot of changes through rules and regulations without any input from Congress. And by all accounts, they are a pretty wild bunch. If they want to use the levers within their agency to come after us, there’s no stopping them. Just one example: the antigay groups that the administration has appointed to the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women. 

One loss doesn’t mean others will follow

In the Obamacare replacement bill, Paul Ryan displayed his unique talent to alienate both the far-right and moderates in his caucus. But if he brought a religious liberty bill to the floor, he only has to worry about moderates. He can afford to lose them, since their numbers are so tiny. The Republicans may be in disarray, but anti-gay animus is still a unifying factor for them.

Trump can recover

Bill Clinton began his administration by promising to repeal the ban on gays in the military. What ensued was a bipartisan political firestorm during which Clinton had his head handed to him and we got saddled with the oppressive Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell policy. Yet Clinton managed to claw his way back with some significant legislative achievements and went on to win re-election. If Trump wants to apply himself to the hard work of governing (a big if), he still has plenty of time to succeed.

Gorsuch’s appointment to the Supreme Court would mean decades of anti-gay rulings

In the long-run, the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court is potentially much more destructive than any legislative change. Gorsuch played cute during his hearings, but he did make an important admission. “I’ve tried to treat each case and each person as a person—not a ‘this kind of person,’ not a ‘that kind of person,’” Gorsuch said. The problem with that response is that our gains from the Supreme Court are precisely because the Court recognized as a a particular class of people. Gorsuch is subtly suggesting that he’s not on board with that approach. You can cue the bad decisions from him the second he’s sworn in.

Andrew Rannells Sings “Let Me Be Your Star” From “Smash” On “Girls”

"Fade in on a girl..."
From: NewNowNext
 Years later many still mourn the cancellation of NBC’s Broadway behind-the-scenes musical series, Smash.

Luckily, there are still fans keeping the show alive, and apparently some of them work on Girls.

 The latest episode of the HBO series focused on Elijah (Andrew Rannells), Hannah (Lena Dunham)’s flamboyant gay best friend. In the episode Elijah attends an open casting call for the musical adaptation of the classic ’90s movie, White Men Can’t Jump.

While talking to another actor auditioning for the show Elijah decides instead of singing “Santa Fe” from Newsies for his audition piece, he goes with “Let Me Be Your Star,” the show-stopping number originally sung on Smash by Megan Hilty and Katherine McPhee.

“Our show runner Jenni Konner and I both have a real obsession with Smash,” Rannells told A.V. Club. “Jenni, because I think she just loves the idea of the musical theater world, and I had so many friends on that show.”

“It just hit me, all of a sudden,” he added. “I was like, Jenni, I should sing ‘Let Me Be Your Star.’”

The series even got the blessing of Smash songwriter Marc Shaiman.

“It was a very crazy day because I had done Hairspray very briefly with Marissa Jaret Winokur who was playing the casting director in last night’s episode, and then to have [Hairspray writer] Marc come to the set that morning and have this little Hairspray reunion—it was really special,” Rannells said.

“It was a very fun day and a strange mashup of different worlds. I’ve managed to keep my musical theater life very separate from my television career, and then to get to do it all together was very exciting.”

How does he fare singing a song originally meant for an actress playing Marilyn Monroe? Judge for yourself in the clip below.

There were rumors of bringing Smash’s Marilyn Monroe musical, Bombshell, to the Great White Way, might we suggest Rannells as an understudy when it becomes Broadway-bound?


From: Badwolf Blog
 E is for…

Exhibitionism – I have no issues about being naked, and at home, I usually am. If you’re comfortable in your own skin, then let’s hang out somewhere naked! Ever wanted to go to some naturist or group sex event, but were afraid to go alone? Lemme know! Get ballsy and let’s go do naked stuff!

If you’re as into public stuff as I am, you might love this tumblr like I do!


From: Bear World
All Male All Nude – is a feature film documentary set in one of America’s only all nude, all male gay strip clubs. Our good friend Gerald McCullouch (CSI, Bear City, and Daddy) is producing this amazing documentary and the film premiere’s this Saturday (April, 1st) in Atlanta.

“All Male All Nude” is an unforgettably original cutting-edge documentary: a journey into the taboo world of male stripping, set in the heart of the Bible belt. From the VIP room, to all nude table dances, to the mainstage and backstage. Journey into this arousing environment that has engendered a compellingly original family unit.”

This is a project Gerald has been working on for four years as a solo venture. Atlanta, Georgia is a Mecca for mega churches and religious followers. It is also a Mecca for adult entertainment: it has one of the densest populations of strip bars in America. Consequently, only one of those offers an all male, all nude staff and is geared towards a gay clientele. Welcome to Swinging Richards – the setting for All Male All Nude.

The film will be available for streaming from the website: following the Atlanta premiere on April 1st at 9 pm eastern.

You can sign up on the website to be notified when the film is available and with public screening dates and times. 

Watch the trailer: 

All House Intel Committee Meetings Canceled as Pressure Mounts for Nunes to Step Down

From: Towleroad
All House Intelligence Committee meetings have been canceled for the week as pressure mounts for the committee chair, Rep. Devin Nunes, to step down for withholding information from the committee and instead sharing that information with the subject of their investigation, Donald Trump.

CNN reports:

The decision to scrap this week’s meetings shows that the panel is facing serious turmoil and questions about whether it can proceed. Nunes scrapped a Tuesday public hearing on Russia to hold a private briefing with FBI
Director James Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers, prompting outcry from Democrats who wanted the issue of the Trump campaign’s alleged ties to the Kremlin to remain in public view.
But Comey and Rogers opted not to brief the panel amid the furor within the committee over how to proceed with its investigation.
The full committee typically meets at least twice a week and it’s uncertain if those meetings will be rescheduled.

The ranking Democrat on the committee, yesterday called on Nunes to recuse himself from involvement in the investigation:

Rep. Jackie Speier, who sits on the Committee said she doesn’t trust Nunes and believes there is an effort by Donald Trump to shut the Committee down.

Said Speier: “I mean, I think he is a very nice man. I think he is frankly over his head. I think he used very poor judgment and I think he has tainted the committee.”

Watch a clip:

Several other lawmakers have said that Nunes should step down, including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi:

“Speaker [Paul] Ryan must insist that Chairman Nunes at least recuse himself from the Trump-Russia investigation immediately,” she said. “That leadership is long overdue.”

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), a member of the House Intelligence Committee, said Nunes has damaged the panel’s ability to fairly conduct a probe of Russia’s election meddling last year.

“Chairman Nunes should no longer be anywhere near his investigation, let alone leading it,” he said in a statement.

“For the sake of our duty to independently find the truth, and for the sake of his ability to chair the committee in its other important duties, he should recuse himself from our committee’s Russia investigation.”

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) went a step further Monday, suggesting Nunes should immediately relinquish his committee chairmanship.

“If Chairman Nunes understood the Constitution and our separation of powers, he would resign his Intel Chairmanship immediately,” he tweeted alongside the hashtag #RussiaGate.

And Chuck Schumer said this on Monday:

7 Months Later, ‘Daily Beast’ Writer Nico Hines Apologizes for Outing Gay Athletes at Olympics

From: Towleroad
Seven months after he was recalled from Rio for outing gay athletes at the Olympics, Daily Beast writer Nico Hines has surfaced again to apologize.

The Daily Beast says Hines is returning full-time as senior editor and London-based reporter “following a lengthy period of intense reflection.”

Hines used the Grindr app to write a piece on gay hook-up sex among Olympians and outed the athletes he chatted with by providing details that could identify them. Some of those athletes were from countries that are notoriously anti-gay, and could have been put in danger by the article.

Writes Hines:

The story about athletes using dating apps in the Olympic village did not ask consent and did not advance the public good. The article intruded into the lives of people who had a right to be left alone. For some readers it brought up old, ugly LGBTQ stereotypes. And I didn’t accurately represent myself during the reporting of the piece. These were all profound failures, and I’m sorry for them. The lens of privilege distorted my worldview.

Adds Hines:

I was insensitive to the fears that constantly grip some people’s lives and it was wrong to even introduce the possibility that someone’s privacy could have been compromised. That fear is all the more acute in some of the countries whose athletes were gathered together inside the Olympic village. For anyone who was left in fear for their safety back home, I am truly sorry.
Since our article was published, I have received hundreds of emails reminding me that many members of the LGBTQ community do not always feel they can trust society at large and I am aware that I contributed to that fear. By failing to recognize the harm I might cause by intruding on a safe space, I was guilty of reinforcing those emotions.
My article created a charged and critical backlash, and rightly so. The Daily Beast’s readers let me know how I got it wrong. I will not get it wrong again.

Reads Hines’s full apology here.

Cyd Zeigler at Outsports doesn’t buy it:

Your apology is a clinical examination of what an apology should look like. You say you’re “sorry,” you say you’re “deeply sorry,” and you say you’re “truly sorry.”
Yet I don’t get the sense from your very academically planned words that you feel any of that. I get that you’re sorry you got caught, but an apology without empathy is little more than a press release.
I understand your editors may have put you up to this. If you ever wanted to write in this town again, you had to say something. Maybe they even told you to not say anything for seven months. If they did, you should fire them.
This could have largely been avoided by an empathetic, heart-felt apology last August. Taking a brief leave of absence, engaging in some soul-searching, this could have all been put to bed months ago, and the LGBT community could have felt it was heard.
Now it just looks like you wanted your job back and had to put out this academic press release to get there.

Do you buy it?

‘Thrilled to Be Out of the Woods,’ Hillary Clinton Urges Trump Pushback: ‘Resist, Insist, Persist, Enlist’

From: Towleroad
Hillary Clinton told the Professional Women’s Conference on Tuesday that there was no place she’d rather be “other than the White House” and blasted “groups of men in Washington making decisions about women’s health.”

Added Clinton: “We will need to fight back twice as hard not for the sake of politics but because these are bad policies that will hurt people and take our country in the wrong direction. There’s a little mantra I’ve been repeating to myself lately – kind of silly – the kind of thing that pops into your head when you take a lot of long walks in the woods…Four words keep coming back to me: resist, insist, persist, enlist.”


Clinton also blasted Sean Spicer and Bill O’Reilly for sexist remarks they made toward women yesterday – Spicer to journalist April Ryan, and O’Reilly at Congresswoman Maxine Waters:

The NCAA Just Gave North Carolina a 48-Hour Deadline to ‘Resolve’ HB2 or They’re Out Until 2022

From: Towleroad
After repeated warnings, including one last week, the NCAA has reportedly given North Carolina 48 hours to “resolve” the anti-LGBT HB2 law or it will pull all its sports events from now through 2022.

WNCN reports:

Scott Dupree, executive director of the Greater Raleigh Sports Alliance, said in a statement that he has been informed by NCAA officials that they have set a 48-hour deadline for the state to change HB2.
I have confirmed with a contact very close to the NCAA that its deadline for HB2 is 48 hours from now. If HB2 has not been resolved by that time, the NCAA will have no choice but to move forward without the North Carolina bids. The NCAA has already delayed the bid review process once and has waited as long as it possibly can, and now it must finalize all championship site selections through spring of 2022.”
The economic impact to the state would be at least $250 million. The legislature has no current plans to move on HB2 any time soon.

A recent AP analysis of the economic impact of HB2 on the state estimated it at $3.76 billion.

Watch a report from WNCN:

Thanks Again, LGBTQ Trump Voters: Trump Omits Us From 2020 Census

From: Boy Culture
The Trump Administration has submitted a report of the categories of data it is collecting for the 2020 Census and the American Community Survey.

The material suggests that the Census was going to collect LGBTQ data — but in the final wash, no LGBTQ data will be acquired.

That's how you disenfranchise a bloc of people.

Via the National LGBTQ Task Force:

“Today, the Trump Administration has taken yet another step  to deny LGBTQ people freedom, justice, and equity, by choosing to exclude us from the 2020 Census and American Community Survey. LGBTQ people are not counted on the Census — no data is collected on sexual orientation or gender identity. Information from these surveys helps the government to enforce federal laws like the Violence Against Women Act and the Fair Housing Act and to determine how to allocate resources like housing supports and food stamps. If the government doesn’t know how many LGBTQ people live in a community, how can it do its job to ensure we’re getting fair and adequate access to the rights, protections and services we need?” said Meghan Maury, Criminal and Economic Justice Project Director, National LGBTQ Task Force.  
 This decision is part of a string of actions by the Trump Administration to remove sexual orientation and gender identity questions from federal surveys  and to stall assessment of programs targeting the LGBTQ community. The Census does collect data on same-sex couples through its “relationship to householder” question; this results in a very narrow depiction of the needs and experiences of our community.
“We call on President Trump and his Administration to begin collecting sexual orientation and gender identity data on the American Community Survey as soon as possible and urge Congress to conduct oversight hearings to reveal why the Administration made the last-minute decision not to collect data on LGBTQ people,” said Maury.
For over a decade, the National LGBTQ Task Force has been at the forefront of national data collection advocacy efforts by urging the President, Congress, and the Census Bureau to collect data that accurately reflects the country’s population of LGBTQ people. In 2010, the National LGBTQ Task Force launched the “Queer the Census” campaign calling on LGBTQ people to urge the Census Bureau to count them in the 2010 Census. More than 100,000 LGBTQ people placed a "Queer the Census" sticker on their 2010 Census envelops, asking the federal agency to count them and collect data on LGBTQ people. Since 2014, Maury has served on the National Advisory Committee on Racial, Ethnic, and Other Populations, where she provides advice to the Census Bureau on this and various other data collection issues.

Not only is the Trump Administration not pro-LGBTQ, it is ready to erase us.

8 Disney Animated Characters Who Were Definitely Queer

From: NewNowNext

The Little Mermaid’s villainess has a direct tie to the LGBT community: She was created based on John Waters’ drag queen muse, Divine. (No wonder she’s a fave Halloween costume, among gay men.)

Top Ten Most Fuckable Late Night Talk Show Hosts

From: Fleshbot
Trevor Noah 
The Daily Show

Physically, Trevor Noah - who took over The Daily Show after Jon Stewart's departure - couldn't be any cuter. Unfortunately, I wouldn't consider him to be "funny" or "relevant." Noah is definitely fuckable, but it would be best if his mouth was stuffed with your dick so he couldn't try to make political jokes that aren't jokes as much as they are factual, often uninspired observations covered with more zest on The View.

History's 125 Hottest Gay-Porn Stars:

From: Boy Culture
Like it like that
Dano Sulik 

This Bel Ami babe was active for over 10 years, most prominently in the Personal Trainers series (2001—2005). He perfectly sums up the casual vibe in every Bel Ami production, telling Manshots several years ago that he never really has to think about whether he wants to top or bottom a guy he meets because:

"There is not a real answer to this because I prefer to be top, but I don't mind to be bottom either. It's just when I feel that somebody would like to fuck me, if I like him, I would let him." 

If he likes you? Now that's what friends are for.