Saturday, February 18, 2017

Just Because:

Kris Kristofferson
February 18, 2008
 I watched the 1976 flick A Star Is Born for the first time last night. I fell in lust with Kris Kristofferson. Kris was 40 at the time this movie was made and hot as hell, masculine with a chest that is hypnotizing. I knew Kris from music, but really had not seen to many of his movies. I will be checking some out. The movie was OK, but Kris was shirtless through most of it, and he was hot as hell in this flick. 

Even More And More Dustin McNeer Nude Leaked Dick Pics

From: Fleshbot
 Dustin McNeer is one cutie with a booty, and in a new batch of nude leaked pics we can see even MORE of his hot bod! At this point, I don't know if we should file Dustin McNeer penis news under "Celebrity," "Model," or just full blown "Pornstar," (or maybe "Amateur" because IDK if anyone besides the Gay Internet knows who the fork he is.) Basically, there really isn't much of Dustin McNeer's naked bod that we haven't seen at this point, and that's a good thing.


Just hopping in bed✌🏼


Moving on to bigger, better things 

Photography: @iblakeballard

 In these latest batch of leaked penis photos from Dustin McNeer, we get an extreme close-up of his rock hard cock as well as two nude shower shots and a lil GIF in which he teases his bulge in some Calvin Klein undies. I realize that there's a chance that these have been around for a hundred years and are just resurfacing on the Gay Internet, so if they're not new to you, SORRY.

In addition to his cock, the America's Next Top Model alum also happens to have one hell of a bubble butt, and you can get a good look at those squeezable cheeks in some fine ass shots. Cam boys, cam boys, whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do when they cum for you! I'm... assuming he's now basically a full time cam boy. So check out the new Dustin McNeer nude pictures, as well as some of his classics!

Donald Trump Kicks Off 2020 Reelection Campaign In Florida

From: Queerty
Less than one month into his presidency, which has been plagued with scandals, leaks, and high profile resignations, and Donald Trump is already kicking off his 2020 reelection campaign.

The “rally,” which was Donald’s word for “campaign event” during the 2016 president campaign, is being held today at the Orlando-Melbourne International Airport in Melbourne, Florida and is being advertised via Trump’s personal Twitter page:

Tickets were available on the Trump/Pence campaign website. When a person registers, they are also given the option to subscribe for “campaign updates” as well as sign up to be a volunteer.

The Atlantic reports:

The idea of a “permanent campaign” has been floating around American political circles since 1980, when Sidney Blumenthal used it as the title for a book. It was during the presidency of Bill Clinton, whom Blumenthal advised, that the idea really came into practice. Even by the standards of modern-day presidents, Clinton loved politicking, and his team held on to campaign methods once in the White House, famously calling on polling to help determine its course. Newt Gingrich helped Republicans capture the House in 1994, in part by adopting the same tactics. Each of Clinton’s successors has adopted the permanent-campaign mentality to some degree.

We’re sure it’s only a matter of days before Donald starts selling 2020 merch made in China on his website. In the mean time, he’s hawking “45th President of the United States” t-shirts, koozies, and golf tool sets.

Democrats Raise Questions About Trump’s Mental Health

From: The Hill
A growing number of Democrats are openly questioning Trump’s mental health.

Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) in a floor speech this week called for a review of the Constitution's procedures for removing a president. He warned the 25th Amendment of the Constitution falls short when it comes to mental or emotional fitness for office.

Sen. Al Franken (D-Minn.) during a weekend interview with CNN’s “State of the Union” said that “a few” Republican colleagues have expressed concern to him about Trump's mental health.

And Rep. Ted Lieu (D-Calif.) plans to introduce legislation that would require the presence of a psychiatrist or psychologist in the White House.

The Democrats justify their questions by pointing to Trump’s habit of making demonstrably false claims. At a press conference Thursday, he said he’d had the biggest Electoral College win since President Ronald Reagan, for example, when his margin was lower than either of President Obama’s wins.

Blumenauer told The Hill he started taking another look at the 25th Amendment because Trump had casually repeated easily disproven claims, such as stating that it wasn’t raining during his speech on Inauguration Day when it was.

“It’s not normal behavior. I don’t know anybody in a position of responsibility that doesn’t know if they’re being rained on. And nobody I work with serially offers up verifiably false statements on an ongoing basis,” he said in an interview steps from the House chamber.

But suggesting the president has a mental health problem invites criticism that Democrats are going too far.

“It’s divisive. The bottom line is, if Trump doesn’t succeed, we all fail. It’s time to give the guy a chance,” said Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-Tenn.).

Reps. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) and Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) both burst out laughing when told some Democratic colleagues were questioning Trump’s mental health.

“Are you serious?” Hunter asked. “Yeah, I don’t care what they say.”

“I think that’s a stretch,” Simpson said.

The White House didn’t return a request for comment. 

Trump and his supporters promoted conspiracy theories during the presidential campaign about Hillary Clinton’s health, proving that both parties will take shots when it comes to an opponent’s physical and mental health.

But mental health professionals say the politicization comes at a cost. Political actors suggesting an opponent has psychological problems risks stigmatizing people with actual mental illnesses, they say. 

“I think the politicization is troubling,” said Joshua Miller, a psychologist at the University of Georgia whose research focuses on pathological personality traits and personality disorders. “We certainly wouldn’t want individuals to use mental illness as a weapon to harm others.”

The American Psychiatric Association has long held it’s unethical for psychiatrists to give professional opinions about public figures they haven’t personally examined.

Yet in a sign of the polarized times, thousands of mental health professionals have signed a petition declaring Trump “is mentally ill and must be removed.”

Thirty-five psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers also signed a letter to The New York Times saying that “the grave emotional instability indicated by Mr. Trump’s speech and actions makes him incapable of serving safely as president.”

Lieu argued it's justifiable to scrutinize the mental health of anyone in control of the nation's nuclear codes.

“I think it is a legitimate issue to raise. I am not a mental health professional, so I don’t know in terms of any sort of medical expertise on this. But I do see and hear the same things that other people see and hear, and a lot of people have concluded that what’s going on is not normal. So what do I do with that as a member of Congress?” he told The Hill

“Anyone who can launch 4,000 nuclear weapons in minutes absolutely should be questioned on any matter related to their physical and mental health.”

Blumenauer is starting a working group, which he says at least a half-dozen colleagues have expressed interest in joining, to review the presidential removal procedures.

He also plans to introduce legislation that would empower former presidents and vice presidents to determine, in coordination with the sitting vice president, if the president is unfit for office.

The 25th Amendment currently says a majority of Cabinet members must make that decision with the vice president, which Blumenauer says isn’t enough if a mentally unsound president simply fires them all.

Asked if it’s appropriate for members of Congress to question the president’s mental health, Blumenauer replied: “All I’ve said is that this is strange behavior. It’s not normal in the circles I run in. And it raises questions. People can make their own diagnosis. I’m not.”

Simpson, the Republican congressman who initially laughed off the Democrats’ remarks, said it’s fair to question Trump’s judgment.

“Now, to question his judgment, that’s a different story,” Simpson said. “The behavior is somewhat disturbing."

He also said Trump’s false statements could end up hurting him at some point.

“The concern I have — how do I say this and still be respectful? Every presidency, no matter who it is, there’s going to come a point in the presidency where you’re going to have to go to the American people and get their support for something,” he said.  

“If this continues much longer, he’s going to lose the ability to rally those people.”

Could “Scandal” Give Us Television’s First Gay President?

From: NewNowNext
 Is Scandal’s Cyrus Beene (Jeff Perry) headed for the White House?

After this week’s reveal that Cyrus was not behind the assassination of President-elect Frankie Vargas, Cyrus could be cleared of all charges and continue his path to 1600 Penn—but first he has to be released from jail.

 Luckily, Olivia Pope (Kerry Washington) and her team of gladiators now know the truth and will hopefully help Cyrus become a free man.

“I assume that somehow Cyrus is going to find a way to be freed, that Olivia’s team is going to help with that,” Perry told The Hollywood Reporter.

Things move lightning fast in the Scandal-verse, so if/when Cyrus is free could we see him as the next POTUS sooner rather than later?

“I think there is still a chance, yeah,” Perry said. “And I was reminded by someone, gosh if that happens he’d be our first gay president!”

Unless you count Frank Underwood from House of Cards

Watch Scandal swear in its first gay president (even if it’s just in a dream sequence) from this week’s episode below.

Chris Christie: Trump Forced Me to Eat the Meatloaf

From: Towleroad
Donald Trump ordered Chris Christie to have the meatloaf at a dinner they had recently, and not surprisingly Christie didn’t put up much of a fight.

The AP reports:

The Republican governor said while guest hosting a New York sports talk radio show Thursday that Trump pointed out the menu and told people to get whatever they want. Then he said he and Christie were going to have the meatloaf.
‘‘This is what it’s like to be with Trump,’’ Christie said. ‘‘He says, ‘There’s the menu, you guys order whatever you want.’ And then he says, ‘Chris, you and I are going to have the meatloaf.’’’


Archie Glad The First Riverdale Gay Scene Is Finally Here?

From: Fleshbot
 We here at Fleshbot Gay have been gahhhgging over the new CW series Riverdale ever since J.K. Apa made his contractually obligated shirtless walk about on the show's set while deep throating a banana. We were also intrigued when the sexy Casey Cott was cast to play the gay character Kevin Keller, and now we have our very first gay scene from the Archie-inspired series! Last night marked the fourth episode, and even though we've gotten beaucoup shirtless action from Archie (Apa) since Riverdale's premiere, this is our first man on man saliva swapping.


Another shot from the magician @nathanjohnsonny

SEW, if you're already thinking that you can see hotter gay action between two lesbians at a Teva outlet, you would be incorrect. In the scene, Joaquin (Rob Raco) presses Kevin Keller (Casey Cott) against a chain link fence, and the two gay Riverdale characters make out in between some heavy panting. The scene is pretty short and it maybe kinda looks like two straight actors being made to kiss by horny CW execs, but I am in. to. it. Wait, could I be into it BECAUSE it's two straight actors who are being told to kiss even though they might be uncomfortable with it? Is that actually super fucked up? Welcome to Riverdale!!

Check out the full scene below, and head HERE for the scoop on Casey Cott and HERE for the K.J. Apa action that I keep shoving down your throat because he's just that damn not. It's for your own good!

Young Recruits Carson, Dixon & Gamble In Hot Threesome

From: Rough Straight Guys
 In this scene we have two newcomers – Dixon and Gamble. Dink Flamingo decided to put them together with Carson as he figured that a 3-way fucking would be a hot new experiment.

 And as it turned out, it was one of the hottest scenes I’ve ever recorded. The fact that the recruits are really new and hot and young certainly added to the overall appeal.

 The boys tried all the possible combinations regarding blowjobs and then Dixon proceeds to fuck Carson in the ass. Meanwhile Gamble encourages them with his deliciously hot dirty talk.

 All in all, this was a great suck and fuck threesome and I hope we’ll see more of these hot recruits again!